Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk sw Dn imlY imlweI ipru AMqir sdw smwly ] (584-1)
naanak saa Dhan milai milaa-ee pir antar sadaa samaalay.
O Nanak, that soul-bride is united in Union; she cherishes her Beloved Husband forever, deep within herself.

ieik rovih iprih ivCuMnIAw AMDI n jwxY ipru hY nwly ]4]2] (584-1)
ik roveh pireh vichhunnee-aa anDhee na jaanai pir hai naalay. ||4||2||
Some weep and wail, separated from their Husband Lord; the blind ones do not know that their Husband is with them. ||4||2||

vfhMsu mÚ 3 ] (584-2)
vad-hans mehlaa 3.
Wadahans, Third Mehl:

rovih iprih ivCuMnIAw mY ipru scVw hY sdw nwly ] (584-2)
roveh pireh vichhunnee-aa mai pir sachrhaa hai sadaa naalay.
Those who are separated from their Beloved Husband Lord weep and wail, but my True Husband Lord is always with me.

ijnI clxu shI jwixAw siqguru syvih nwmu smwly ] (584-3)
jinee chalan sahee jaani-aa satgur sayveh naam samaalay.
Those who know that they must depart, serve the True Guru, and dwell upon the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

sdw nwmu smwly siqguru hY nwly siqguru syiv suKu pwieAw ] (584-3)
sadaa naam samaalay satgur hai naalay satgur sayv sukh paa-i-aa.
They dwell constantly upon the Naam, and the True Guru is with them; they serve the True Guru, and so obtain peace.

sbdy kwlu mwir scu auir Dwir iPir Awvx jwxu n hoieAw ] (584-4)
sabday kaal maar sach ur Dhaar fir aavan jaan na ho-i-aa.
Through the Shabad, they kill death, and enshrine the True Lord within their hearts; they shall not have to come and go again.

scw swihbu scI nweI vyKY ndir inhwly ] (584-4)
sachaa saahib sachee naa-ee vaykhai nadar nihaalay.
True is the Lord and Master, and True is His Name; bestowing His Gracious Glance, one is enraptured.

rovih iprhu ivCuMnIAw mY ipru scVw hY sdw nwly ]1] (584-5)
roveh pirahu vichhunnee-aa mai pir sachrhaa hai sadaa naalay. ||1||
Those who are separated from their Beloved Husband Lord weep and wail, but my True Husband Lord is always with me. ||1||

pRBu myrw swihbu sB dU aUcw hY ikv imlW pRIqm ipAwry ] (584-6)
parabh mayraa saahib sabh doo oochaa hai kiv milaaN pareetam pi-aaray.
God, my Lord and Master, is the highest of all; how can I meet my Dear Beloved?

siqguir mylI qW shij imlI ipru rwiKAw aur Dwry ] (584-6)
satgur maylee taaN sahj milee pir raakhi-aa ur Dhaaray.
When the True Guru united me, then I was naturally united with my Husband Lord, and now, I keep Him clasped to my heart.

sdw aur Dwry nyhu nwil ipAwry siqgur qy ipru idsY ] (584-7)
sadaa ur Dhaaray nayhu naal pi-aaray satgur tay pir disai.
I constantly, lovingly cherish my Beloved within my heart; through the True Guru, I see my Beloved.

mwieAw moh kw kcw colw iqqu pYDY pgu iKsY ] (584-7)
maa-i-aa moh kaa kachaa cholaa tit paiDhai pag khisai.
The cloak of Maya's love is false; wearing it, one slips and loses his footing.

ipr rMig rwqw so scw colw iqqu pYDY iqKw invwry ] (584-8)
pir rang raataa so sachaa cholaa tit paiDhai tikhaa nivaaray.
That cloak is true, which is dyed in the color of the Love of my Beloved; wearing it, my inner thirst is quenched.

pRBu myrw swihbu sB dU aUcw hY ikau imlw pRIqm ipAwry ]2] (584-8)
parabh mayraa saahib sabh doo oochaa hai ki-o milaa pareetam pi-aaray. ||2||
God, my Lord and Master, is the highest of all; how can I meet my Dear Beloved? ||2||

mY pRBu scu pCwixAw hor BUlI AvgixAwry ] (584-9)
mai parabh sach pachhaani-aa hor bhoolee avgani-aaray.
I have realized my True Lord God, while the other worthless ones have gone astray.

mY sdw rwvy ipru Awpxw scVY sbid vIcwry ] (584-9)
mai sadaa raavay pir aapnaa sachrhai sabad veechaaray.
I dwell constantly upon my Beloved Husband Lord, and reflect upon the True Word of the Shabad.

scY sbid vIcwry rMig rwqI nwry imil siqgur pRIqmu pwieAw ] (584-10)
sachai sabad veechaaray rang raatee naaray mil satgur pareetam paa-i-aa.
The bride reflects upon the True Shabad, and is imbued with His Love; she meets with the True Guru, and finds her Beloved.

AMqir rMig rwqI shjy mwqI gieAw dusmnu dUKu sbwieAw ] (584-11)
antar rang raatee sehjay maatee ga-i-aa dusman dookh sabaa-i-aa.
Deep within, she is imbued with His Love, and intoxicated with delight; her enemies and sufferings are all taken away.

Apny gur kMau qnu mnu dIjY qW mnu BIjY iqRsnw dUK invwry ] (584-11)
apnay gur kaN-u tan man deejai taaN man bheejai tarisnaa dookh nivaaray.
Surrender body and soul to your Guru, and then you shall become happy; your thirst and pain shall be taken away.

mY ipru scu pCwixAw hor BUlI AvgixAwry ]3] (584-12)
mai pir sach pachhaani-aa hor bhoolee avgani-aaray. ||3||
I have realized my True Lord God, while the other worthless ones have gone astray. ||3||

scVY Awip jgqu aupwieAw gur ibnu Gor AMDwro ] (584-13)
sachrhai aap jagat upaa-i-aa gur bin ghor anDhaaro.
The True Lord Himself created the world; without the Guru, there is only pitch darkness.

Awip imlwey Awip imlY Awpy dyie ipAwro ] (584-13)
aap milaa-ay aap milai aapay day-ay pi-aaro.
He Himself unites, and causes us to unite with Him; He Himself blesses us with His Love.

Awpy dyie ipAwro shij vwpwro gurmuiK jnmu svwry ] (584-14)
aapay day-ay pi-aaro sahj vaapaaro gurmukh janam savaaray.
He Himself blesses us with His Love, and deals in celestial peace; the life of the Gurmukh is reformed.

Dnu jg mih AwieAw Awpu gvwieAw dir swcY sicAwro ] (584-14)
Dhan jag meh aa-i-aa aap gavaa-i-aa dar saachai sachi-aaro.
Blessed is his coming into the world; he banishes his self-conceit, and is acclaimed as true in the Court of the True Lord.

igAwin rqin Git cwnxu hoAw nwnk nwm ipAwro ] (584-15)
gi-aan ratan ghat chaanan ho-aa naanak naam pi-aaro.
The light of the jewel of spiritual wisdom shines within his heart, O Nanak, and he loves the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

scVY Awip jgqu aupwieAw gur ibnu Gor AMDwro ]4]3] (584-15)
sachrhai aap jagat upaa-i-aa gur bin ghor anDhaaro. ||4||3||
The True Lord Himself created the world; without the Guru, there is only pitch darkness. ||4||3||

vfhMsu mhlw 3 ] (584-16)
vad-hans mehlaa 3.
Wadahans, Third Mehl:

iehu srIru jjrI hY ies no jru phucY Awey ] (584-16)
ih sareer jajree hai is no jar pahuchai aa-ay.
This body is frail; old age is overtaking it.

guir rwKy sy aubry horu mir jMmY AwvY jwey ] (584-17)
gur raakhay say ubray hor mar jammai aavai jaa-ay.
Those who are protected by the Guru are saved, while others die, to be reincarnated; they continue coming and going.

hoir mir jMmih Awvih jwvih AMiq gey pCuqwvih ibnu nwvY suKu n hoeI ] (584-17)
hor mar jameh aavahi jaaveh ant ga-ay pachhutaavahi bin naavai sukh na ho-ee.
Others die, to be reincarnated; they continue coming and going, and in the end, they depart regretfully. Without the Name, there is no peace.

AYQY kmwvY so Plu pwvY mnmuiK hY piq KoeI ] (584-18)
aithai kamaavai so fal paavai manmukh hai pat kho-ee.
As one acts here, so does he obtain his rewards; the self-willed manmukh loses his honor.

jm puir Gor AMDwru mhw gubwru nw iqQY BYx n BweI ] (584-18)
jam pur ghor anDhaar mahaa gubaar naa tithai bhain na bhaa-ee.
In the City of Death, there is pitch darkness, and huge clouds of dust; neither sister nor brother is there.

iehu srIru jjrI hY ies no jru phucY AweI ]1] (584-19)
ih sareer jajree hai is no jar pahuchai aa-ee. ||1||
This body is frail; old age is overtaking it. ||1||

kwieAw kMcnu qW QIAY jW siqguru ley imlwey ] (584-19)
kaa-i-aa kanchan taaN thee-ai jaaN satgur la-ay milaa-ay.
The body becomes like gold, when the True Guru unites one with Himself.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD