Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Awpu Coif syvw krI ipru scVw imlY shij suBwey ] (583-1)
aap chhod sayvaa karee pir sachrhaa milai sahj subhaa-ay.
Renouncing ego, I serve them; thus I meet my True Husband Lord, with intuitive ease.

ipru scw imlY Awey swcu kmwey swic sbid Dn rwqI ] (583-1)
pir sachaa milai aa-ay saach kamaa-ay saach sabad Dhan raatee.
The True Husband Lord comes to meet the soul-bride who practices Truth, and is imbued with the True Word of the Shabad.

kdy n rWf sdw sohwgix AMqir shj smwDI ] (583-2)
kaday na raaNd sadaa sohagan antar sahj samaaDhee.
She shall never become a widow; she shall always be a happy bride. Deep within herself, she dwells in the celestial bliss of Samaadhi.

ipru rihAw BrpUry vyKu hdUry rMgu mwxy shij suBwey ] (583-2)
pir rahi-aa bharpooray vaykh hadooray rang maanay sahj subhaa-ay.
Her Husband Lord is fully pervading everywhere; beholding Him ever-present, she enjoys His Love, with intuitive ease.

ijnI Awpxw kMqu pCwixAw hau iqn pUCau sMqw jwey ]3] (583-3)
jinee aapnaa kant pachhaani-aa ha-o tin poochha-o santaa jaa-ay. ||3||
Those who have realized their Husband Lord - I go and ask those Saints about Him. ||3||

iprhu ivCuMnIAw BI imlh jy siqgur lwgh swcy pwey ] (583-4)
pirahu vichhunnee-aa bhee milah jay satgur laagah saachay paa-ay.
The separated ones also meet with their Husband Lord, if they fall at the Feet of the True Guru.

siqguru sdw dieAwlu hY Avgux sbid jlwey ] (583-4)
satgur sadaa da-i-aal hai avgun sabad jalaa-ay.
The True Guru is forever merciful; through the Word of His Shabad, demerits are burnt away.

Aaugux sbid jlwey dUjw Bwau gvwey scy hI sic rwqI ] (583-5)
a-ogun sabad jalaa-ay doojaa bhaa-o gavaa-ay sachay hee sach raatee.
Burning away her demerits through the Shabad, the soul-bride eradicates her love of duality, and remains absorbed in the True, True Lord.

scY sbid sdw suKu pwieAw haumY geI BrwqI ] (583-5)
sachai sabad sadaa sukh paa-i-aa ha-umai ga-ee bharaatee.
Through the True Shabad, everlasting peace is obtained, and egotism and doubt are dispelled.

ipru inrmwielu sdw suKdwqw nwnk sbid imlwey ] (583-6)
pir nirmaa-il sadaa sukh-daata naanak sabad milaa-ay.
The Immaculate Husband Lord is forever the Giver of peace; O Nanak, through the Word of His Shabad, He is met.

iprhu ivCuMnIAw BI imlh jy siqgur lwgh swcy pwey ]4]1] (583-7)
pirahu vichhunnee-aa bhee milah jay satgur laagah saachay paa-ay. ||4||1||
The separated ones also meet with their Husband Lord, if they fall at the feet of the True Guru. ||4||1||

vfhMsu mhlw 3 ] (583-7)
vad-hans mehlaa 3.
Wadahans, Third Mehl:

suixAhu kMq mhylIho ipru syivhu sbid vIcwir ] (583-7)
suni-ahu kant mahayleeho pir sayvihu sabad veechaar.
Listen, O brides of the Lord: serve your Beloved Husband Lord, and contemplate the Word of His Shabad.

AvgxvMqI ipru n jwxeI muTI rovY kMq ivswir ] (583-8)
avganvantee pir na jaan-ee muthee rovai kant visaar.
The worthless bride does not know her Husband Lord - she is deluded; forgetting her Husband Lord, she weeps and wails.

rovY kMq sMmwil sdw gux swir nw ipru mrY n jwey ] (583-8)
rovai kant sammaal sadaa gun saar naa pir marai na jaa-ay.
She weeps, thinking of her Husband Lord, and she cherishes His virtues; her Husband Lord does not die, and does not leave.

gurmuiK jwqw sbid pCwqw swcY pRyim smwey ] (583-9)
gurmukh jaataa sabad pachhaataa saachai paraym samaa-ay.
As Gurmukh, she knows the Lord; through the Word of His Shabad, He is realized; through True Love, she merges with Him.

ijin Apxw ipru nhI jwqw krm ibDwqw kUiV muTI kUiVAwry ] (583-9)
jin apnaa pir nahee jaataa karam biDhaataa koorh muthee koorhi-aaray.
She who does not know her Husband Lord, the Architect of karma, is deluded by falsehood - she herself is false.

suixAhu kMq mhylIho ipru syivhu sbid vIcwry ]1] (583-10)
suni-ahu kant mahayleeho pir sayvihu sabad veechaaray. ||1||
Listen, O brides of the Lord: serve your Beloved Husband Lord, and contemplate the Word of His Shabad. ||1||

sBu jgu Awip aupwieEnu Awvxu jwxu sMswrw ] (583-11)
sabh jag aap upaa-i-on aavan jaan sansaaraa.
He Himself created the whole world; the world comes and goes.

mwieAw mohu KuAwieAnu mir jMmY vwro vwrw ] (583-11)
maa-i-aa moh khu-aa-i-an mar jammai vaaro vaaraa.
The love of Maya has ruined the world; people die, to be re-born, over and over again.

mir jMmY vwro vwrw vDih ibkwrw igAwn ivhUxI mUTI ] (583-12)
mar jammai vaaro vaaraa vaDheh bikaaraa gi-aan vihoonee moothee.
People die to be re-born, over and over again, while their sins increase; without spiritual wisdom, they are deluded.

ibnu sbdY ipru n pwieE jnmu gvwieE rovY AvguixAwrI JUTI ] (583-12)
bin sabdai pir na paa-i-o janam gavaa-i-o rovai avguni-aaree jhoothee.
Without the Word of the Shabad, the Husband Lord is not found; the worthless, false bride wastes her life away, weeping and wailing.

ipru jgjIvnu iks no roeIAY rovY kMqu ivswry ] (583-13)
pir jagjeevan kis no ro-ee-ai rovai kant visaaray.
He is my Beloved Husband Lord, the Life of the World - for whom should I weep? They alone weep, who forget their Husband Lord.

sBu jgu Awip aupwieEnu Awvxu jwxu sMswry ]2] (583-14)
sabh jag aap upaa-i-on aavan jaan sansaaray. ||2||
He Himself created the whole world; the world comes and goes. ||2||

so ipru scw sd hI swcw hY nw Ehu mrY n jwey ] (583-14)
so pir sachaa sad hee saachaa hai naa oh marai na jaa-ay.
That Husband Lord is True, forever True; He does not die, and He does not leave.

BUlI iPrY Dn ieAwxIAw rMf bYTI dUjY Bwey ] (583-15)
bhoolee firai Dhan i-aanee-aa rand baithee doojai bhaa-ay.
The ignorant soul-bride wanders in delusion; in the love of duality, she sits like a widow.

rMf bYTI dUjY Bwey mwieAw moih duKu pwey Awv GtY qnu CIjY ] (583-15)
rand baithee doojai bhaa-ay maa-i-aa mohi dukh paa-ay aav ghatai tan chheejai.
She sits like a widow, in the love of duality; through emotional attachment to Maya, she suffers in pain. She is growing old, and her body is withering away.

jo ikCu AwieAw sBu ikCu jwsI duKu lwgw Bwie dUjY ] (583-16)
jo kichh aa-i-aa sabh kichh jaasee dukh laagaa bhaa-ay doojai.
Whatever has come, all that shall pass away; through the love of duality, they suffer in pain.

jmkwlu n sUJY mwieAw jgu lUJY lib loiB icqu lwey ] (583-16)
jamkaal na soojhai maa-i-aa jag loojhai lab lobh chit laa-ay.
They do not see the Messenger of Death; they long for Maya, and their consciousness is attached to greed.

so ipru swcw sd hI swcw nw Ehu mrY n jwey ]3] (583-17)
so pir saachaa sad hee saachaa naa oh marai na jaa-ay. ||3||
That Husband Lord is True, forever True; He does not die, and He does not leave. ||3||

ieik rovih iprih ivCuMnIAw AMDI nw jwxY ipru nwly ] (583-17)
ik roveh pireh vichhunnee-aa anDhee naa jaanai pir naalay.
Some weep and wail, separated from their Husband Lord; the blind ones do not know that their Husband is with them.

gur prswdI swcw ipru imlY AMqir sdw smwly ] (583-18)
gur parsaadee saachaa pir milai antar sadaa samaalay.
By Guru's Grace, they may meet with their True Husband, and cherish Him always deep within.

ipru AMqir smwly sdw hY nwly mnmuiK jwqw dUry ] (583-18)
pir antar samaalay sadaa hai naalay manmukh jaataa dooray.
She cherishes her Husband deep within herself - He is always with her; the self-willed manmukhs think that He is far away.

iehu qnu rulY rulwieAw kwim n AwieAw ijin Ksmu n jwqw hdUry ] (583-19)
ih tan rulai rulaa-i-aa kaam na aa-i-aa jin khasam na jaataa hadooray.
This body rolls in the dust, and is totally useless; it does not realize the Presence of the Lord and Master.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD