Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jip jIvw pRB crx qumwry ]1] rhwau ] (563-1)
jap jeevaa parabh charan tumaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I live by meditating on Your Feet, God. ||1||Pause||

dieAwl purK myry pRB dwqy ] (563-1)
da-i-aal purakh mayray parabh daatay.
O my Merciful and Almighty God, O Great Giver,

ijsih jnwvhu iqnih qum jwqy ]2] (563-1)
jisahi janaavhu tineh tum jaatay. ||2||
he alone knows You, whom You so bless. ||2||

sdw sdw jweI bilhwrI ] (563-2)
sadaa sadaa jaa-ee balihaaree.
Forever and ever, I am a sacrifice to You.

ieq auq dyKau Et qumwrI ]3] (563-2)
it ut daykh-a-u ot tumaaree. ||3||
Here and hereafter, I seek Your Protection. ||3||

moih inrgux guxu ikCU n jwqw ] (563-2)
mohi nirgun gun kichhoo na jaataa.
I am without virtue; I know none of Your Glorious Virtues.

nwnk swDU dyiK mnu rwqw ]4]3] (563-3)
naanak saaDhoo daykh man raataa. ||4||3||
O Nanak, seeing the Holy Saint, my mind is imbued with You. ||4||3||

vfhMsu mÚ 5 ] (563-3)
vad-hans mehlaa 5.
Wadahans, Fifth Mehl:

AMqrjwmI so pRBu pUrw ] (563-3)
antarjaamee so parabh pooraa.
God is perfect - He is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

dwnu dyie swDU kI DUrw ]1] (563-4)
daan day-ay saaDhoo kee Dhooraa. ||1||
He blesses us with the gift of the dust of the feet of the Saints. ||1||

kir ikrpw pRB dIn dieAwlw ] (563-4)
kar kirpaa parabh deen da-i-aalaa.
Bless me with Your Grace, God, O Merciful to the meek.

qyrI Et pUrn gopwlw ]1] rhwau ] (563-4)
tayree ot pooran gopaalaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I seek Your Protection, O Perfect Lord, Sustainer of the World. ||1||Pause||

jil Qil mhIAil rihAw BrpUry ] (563-5)
jal thal mahee-al rahi-aa bharpooray.
He is totally pervading and permeating the water, the land and the sky.

inkit vsY nwhI pRBu dUry ]2] (563-5)
nikat vasai naahee parabh dooray. ||2||
God is near at hand, not far away. ||2||

ijs no ndir kry so iDAwey ] (563-5)
jis no nadar karay so Dhi-aa-ay.
One whom He blesses with His Grace, meditates on Him.

AwT phr hir ky gux gwey ]3] (563-6)
aath pahar har kay gun gaa-ay. ||3||
Twenty-four hours a day, he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||3||

jIA jMq sgly pRiqpwry ] (563-6)
jee-a jant saglay partipaaray.
He cherishes and sustains all beings and creatures.

srin pirE nwnk hir duAwry ]4]4] (563-6)
saran pari-o naanak har du-aaray. ||4||4||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord's Door. ||4||4||

vfhMsu mhlw 5 ] (563-7)
vad-hans mehlaa 5.
Wadahans, Fifth Mehl:

qU vf dwqw AMqrjwmI ] (563-7)
too vad daataa antarjaamee.
You are the Great Giver, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

sB mih rivAw pUrn pRB suAwmI ]1] (563-7)
sabh meh ravi-aa pooran parabh su-aamee. ||1||
God, the Perfect Lord and Master, is permeating and pervading in all. ||1||

myry pRB pRIqm nwmu ADwrw ] (563-8)
mayray parabh pareetam naam aDhaaraa.
The Name of my Beloved God is my only support.

hau suix suix jIvw nwmu qumwrw ]1] rhwau ] (563-8)
ha-o sun sun jeevaa naam tumaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I live by hearing, continually hearing Your Name. ||1||Pause||

qyrI srix siqgur myry pUry ] (563-8)
tayree saran satgur mayray pooray.
I seek Your Sanctuary, O my Perfect True Guru.

mnu inrmlu hoie sMqw DUry ]2] (563-9)
man nirmal ho-ay santaa Dhooray. ||2||
My mind is purified by the dust of the Saints. ||2||

crn kml ihrdY auir Dwry ] (563-9)
charan kamal hirdai ur Dhaaray.
I have enshrined His Lotus Feet within my heart.

qyry drsn kau jweI bilhwry ]3] (563-9)
tayray darsan ka-o jaa-ee balihaaray. ||3||
I am a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||3||

kir ikrpw qyry gux gwvw ] (563-10)
kar kirpaa tayray gun gaavaa.
Show mercy unto me, that I may sing Your Glorious Praises.

nwnk nwmu jpq suKu pwvw ]4]5] (563-10)
naanak naam japat sukh paavaa. ||4||5||
O Nanak, chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, I obtain peace. ||4||5||

vfhMsu mhlw 5 ] (563-11)
vad-hans mehlaa 5.
Wadahans, Fifth Mehl:

swDsMg hir AMimRqu pIjY ] (563-11)
saaDhsang har amrit peejai.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, drink in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord.

nw jIau mrY n kbhU CIjY ]1] (563-11)
naa jee-o marai na kabhoo chheejai. ||1||
The soul does not die, nor does it ever waste away. ||1||

vfBwgI guru pUrw pweIAY ] (563-11)
vadbhaagee gur pooraa paa-ee-ai.
By great good fortune, one meets the Perfect Guru.

gur ikrpw qy pRBU iDAweIAY ]1] rhwau ] (563-12)
gur kirpaa tay parabhoo Dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, one meditates on God. ||1||Pause||

rqn jvwhr hir mwxk lwlw ] (563-12)
ratan javaahar har maanak laalaa.
The Lord is the jewel, the pearl, the gem, the diamond.

ismir ismir pRB Bey inhwlw ]2] (563-13)
simar simar parabh bha-ay nihaalaa. ||2||
Meditating, meditating in remembrance on God, I am in ecstasy. ||2||

jq kq pyKau swDU srxw ] (563-13)
jat kat paykha-o saaDhoo sarnaa.
Wherever I look, I see the Sanctuary of the Holy.

hir gux gwie inrml mnu krxw ]3] (563-13)
har gun gaa-ay nirmal man karnaa. ||3||
Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, my soul becomes immaculately pure. ||3||

Gt Gt AMqir myrw suAwmI vUTw ] (563-14)
ghat ghat antar mayraa su-aamee voothaa.
Within each and every heart, dwells my Lord and Master.

nwnk nwmu pwieAw pRBu qUTw ]4]6] (563-14)
naanak naam paa-i-aa parabh toothaa. ||4||6||
O Nanak, one obtains the Naam, the Name of the Lord, when God bestows His Mercy. ||4||6||

vfhMsu mhlw 5 ] (563-14)
vad-hans mehlaa 5.
Wadahans, Fifth Mehl:

ivsru nwhI pRB dIn dieAwlw ] (563-15)
visar naahee parabh deen da-i-aalaa.
Do not forget me, O God, Merciful to the meek.

qyrI srix pUrn ikrpwlw ]1] rhwau ] (563-15)
tayree saran pooran kirpaalaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I seek Your Sanctuary, O Perfect, Compassionate Lord. ||1||Pause||

jh iciq Awvih so Qwnu suhwvw ] (563-15)
jah chit aavahi so thaan suhaavaa.
Wherever You come to mind, that place is blessed.

ijqu vylw ivsrih qw lwgY hwvw ]1] (563-16)
jit vaylaa visrahi taa laagai haavaa. ||1||
The moment I forget You, I am stricken with regret. ||1||

qyry jIA qU sd hI swQI ] (563-16)
tayray jee-a too sad hee saathee.
All beings are Yours; You are their constant companion.

sMswr swgr qy kFu dy hwQI ]2] (563-17)
sansaar saagar tay kadh day haathee. ||2||
Please, give me Your hand, and pull me up out of this world-ocean. ||2||

Awvxu jwxw qum hI kIAw ] (563-17)
aavan jaanaa tum hee kee-aa.
Coming and going are by Your Will.

ijsu qU rwKih iqsu dUKu n QIAw ]3] (563-17)
jis too raakhahi tis dookh na thee-aa. ||3||
One whom You save is not afflicted by suffering. ||3||

qU eyko swihbu Avru n hoir ] (563-18)
too ayko saahib avar na hor.
You are the One and only Lord and Master; there is no other.

ibnau krY nwnku kr joir ]4]7] (563-18)
bin-o karai naanak kar jor. ||4||7||
Nanak offers this prayer with his palms pressed together. ||4||7||

vfhMsu mÚ 5 ] (563-19)
vad-hans mehlaa 5.
Wadahans, Fifth Mehl:

qU jwxwieih qw koeI jwxY ] (563-19)
too jaanaa-ihi taa ko-ee jaanai.
When You allow Yourself to be known, then we know You.

qyrw dIAw nwmu vKwxY ]1] (563-19)
tayraa dee-aa naam vakhaanai. ||1||
We chant Your Name, which You have given to us. ||1||

qU Acrju kudriq qyrI ibsmw ]1] rhwau ] (563-19)
too achraj kudrat tayree bismaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are wonderful! Your creative potency is amazing! ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD