Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gUjrI mhlw 5 ] (500-1)
goojree mehlaa 5.
Goojaree, Fifth Mehl:

kir ikrpw Apnw drsu dIjY jsu gwvau inis Aru Bor ] (500-1)
kar kirpaa apnaa daras deejai jas gaava-o nis ar bhor.
Show Mercy to me, and grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. I sing Your Praises night and day.

kys sMig dws pg Jwrau iehY mnorQ mor ]1] (500-2)
kays sang daas pag jhaara-o ihai manorath mor. ||1||
With my hair, I wash the feet of Your slave; this is my life's purpose. ||1||

Twkur quJ ibnu bIAw n hor ] (500-2)
thaakur tujh bin bee-aa na hor.
O Lord and Master, without You, there is no other at all.

iciq icqvau hir rsn ArwDau inrKau qumrI Er ]1] rhwau ] (500-3)
chit chitva-o har rasan araaDha-o nirkha-o tumree or. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Lord, in my mind I remain conscious of You; with my tongue I worship You, and with my eyes, I gaze upon You. ||1||Pause||

dieAwl purK srb ky Twkur ibnau krau kr joir ] (500-3)
da-i-aal purakh sarab kay thaakur bin-o kara-o kar jor.
O Merciful Lord, O Lord and Master of all, with my palms pressed together I pray to You.

nwmu jpY nwnku dwsu qumro auDris AwKI Por ]2]11]20] (500-4)
naam japai naanak daas tumro uDhras aakhee for. ||2||11||20||
Nanak, Your slave, chants Your Name, and is redeemed in the twinkling of an eye. ||2||11||20||

gUjrI mhlw 5 ] (500-5)
goojree mehlaa 5.
Goojaree, Fifth Mehl:

bRhm lok Aru rudR lok AweI ieMdR lok qy Dwie ] (500-5)
barahm lok ar rudr lok aa-ee indar lok tay Dhaa-ay.
Overwhelming the realm of Brahma, the realm of Shiva and the realm of Indra, Maya has come running here.

swDsMgiq kau joih n swkY mil mil DovY pwie ]1] (500-5)
saaDhsangat ka-o johi na saakai mal mal Dhovai paa-ay. ||1||
But she cannot touch the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; she washes and massages their feet. ||1||

Ab moih Awie pirE srnwie ] (500-6)
ab mohi aa-ay pari-o sarnaa-ay.
Now, I have come and entered the Lord's Sanctuary.

guhj pwvko bhuqu pRjwrY mo kau siqguir dIE hY bqwie ]1] rhwau ] (500-6)
guhaj paavko bahut parjaarai mo ka-o satgur dee-o hai bataa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This awful fire has burned so many; the True Guru has cautioned me about it. ||1||Pause||

isD swiDk Aru jK´ ikMnr nr rhI kMiT aurJwie ] (500-7)
siDh saaDhik ar jakh-y kinnar nar rahee kanth urjhaa-ay.
It clings to the necks of the Siddhas, and the seekers, the demi-gods, angels and mortals.

jn nwnk AMgu kIAw pRiB krqY jw kY koit AYsI dwswie ]2]12]21] (500-7)
jan naanak ang kee-aa parabh kartai jaa kai kot aisee daasaa-ay. ||2||12||21||
Servant Nanak has the support of God the Creator, who has millions of slaves like her. ||2||12||21||

gUjrI mhlw 5 ] (500-8)
goojree mehlaa 5.
Goojaree, Fifth Mehl:

Apjsu imtY hovY jig kIriq drgh bYsxu pweIAY ] (500-8)
apjas mitai hovai jag keerat dargeh baisan paa-ee-ai.
His bad reputation is erased, he is acclaimed all over the world, and he obtains a seat in the Court of the Lord.

jm kI qRws nws hoie iKn mih suK And syqI Gir jweIAY ]1] (500-9)
jam kee taraas naas ho-ay khin meh sukh anad saytee ghar jaa-ee-ai. ||1||
The fear of death is removed in an instant, and he goes to the Lord's House in peace and bliss. ||1||

jw qy Gwl n ibrQI jweIAY ] (500-10)
jaa tay ghaal na birthee jaa-ee-ai.
His works do not go in vain.

AwT phr ismrhu pRBu Apnw min qin sdw iDAweIAY ]1] rhwau ] (500-10)
aath pahar simrahu parabh apnaa man tan sadaa Dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Twenty-four hours a day, remember your God in meditation; meditate on Him continually in your mind and body. ||1||Pause||

moih srin dIn duK BMjn qUM dyih soeI pRB pweIAY ] (500-11)
mohi saran deen dukh bhanjan tooN deh so-ee parabh paa-ee-ai.
I seek Your Sanctuary, O Destroyer of the pains of the poor; whatever You give me, God, that is what I receive.

crx kml nwnk rMig rwqy hir dwsh pYj rKweIAY ]2]13]22] (500-11)
charan kamal naanak rang raatay har daasah paij rakhaa-ee-ai. ||2||13||22||
Nanak is imbued with the love of Your lotus feet; O Lord, please preserve the honor of Your slave. ||2||13||22||

gUjrI mhlw 5 ] (500-12)
goojree mehlaa 5.
Goojaree, Fifth Mehl:

ibsÍMBr jIAn ko dwqw Bgiq Bry BMfwr ] (500-12)
bisamvbhar jee-an ko daataa bhagat bharay bhandaar.
The all-sustaining Lord is the Giver of all beings; His devotional worship is an overflowing treasure.

jw kI syvw inPl n hovq iKn mih kry auDwr ]1] (500-13)
jaa kee sayvaa nifal na hovat khin meh karay uDhaar. ||1||
Service to Him is not wasted; in an instant, He emancipates. ||1||

mn myry crn kml sMig rwcu ] (500-13)
man mayray charan kamal sang raach.
O my mind, immerse yourself in the Lord's lotus feet.

sgl jIA jw kau AwrwDih qwhU kau qUM jwcu ]1] rhwau ] (500-14)
sagal jee-a jaa ka-o aaraaDheh taahoo ka-o tooN jaach. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Seek from Him, who is worshipped by all beings. ||1||Pause||

nwnk srix qum@wrI krqy qUM pRB pRwn ADwr ] (500-14)
naanak saran tumHaaree kartay tooN parabh paraan aDhaar.
Nanak has entered Your Sanctuary, O Creator Lord; You, O God, are the support of my breath of life.

hoie shweI ijsu qUM rwKih iqsu khw kry sMswru ]2]14]23] (500-15)
ho-ay sahaa-ee jis tooN raakhahi tis kahaa karay sansaar. ||2||14||23||
He who is protected by You, O Helper Lord - what can the world do to him? ||2||14||23||

gUjrI mhlw 5 ] (500-16)
goojree mehlaa 5.
Goojaree, Fifth Mehl:

jn kI pYj svwrI Awp ] (500-16)
jan kee paij savaaree aap.
The Lord Himself has protected the honor of His humble servant.

hir hir nwmu dIE guir AvKDu auqir gieE sBu qwp ]1] rhwau ] (500-16)
har har naam dee-o gur avkhaDh utar ga-i-o sabh taap. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Guru has given the medicine of the Lord's Name, Har, Har, and all afflictions are gone. ||1||Pause||

hirgoibMdu riKE prmysir ApunI ikrpw Dwir ] (500-17)
harigobind rakhi-o parmaysar apunee kirpaa Dhaar.
The Transcendent Lord, in His Mercy, has preserved Har Gobind.

imtI ibAwiD srb suK hoey hir gux sdw bIcwir ]1] (500-17)
mitee bi-aaDh sarab sukh ho-ay har gun sadaa beechaar. ||1||
The disease is over, and there is joy all around; we ever contemplate the Glories of God. ||1||

AMgIkwru kIE myrY krqY gur pUry kI vifAweI ] (500-18)
angeekaar kee-o mayrai kartai gur pooray kee vadi-aa-ee.
My Creator Lord has made me His own; such is the glorious greatness of the Perfect Guru.

Aibcl nIv DrI gur nwnk inq inq cVY svweI ]2]15]24] (500-18)
abichal neev Dharee gur naanak nit nit charhai savaa-ee. ||2||15||24||
Guru Nanak laid the immovable foundation, which grows higher and higher each day. ||2||15||24||

gUjrI mhlw 5 ] (500-19)
goojree mehlaa 5.
Goojaree, Fifth Mehl:

kbhU hir isau cIqu n lwieE ] (500-19)
kabhoo har si-o cheet na laa-i-o.
You never focused your consciousness on the Lord.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD