Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ieh sRpnI qw kI kIqI hoeI ] (481-1)
ih sarpanee taa kee keetee ho-ee.
This she-serpent is created by Him.

blu Ablu ikAw ies qy hoeI ]4] (481-1)
bal abal ki-aa is tay ho-ee. ||4||
What power or weakness does she have by herself? ||4||

ieh bsqI qw bsq srIrw ] (481-1)
ih bastee taa basat sareeraa.
If she abides with the mortal, then his soul abides in his body.

gur pRswid shij qry kbIrw ]5]6]19] (481-2)
gur parsaad sahj taray kabeeraa. ||5||6||19||
By Guru's Grace, Kabeer has easily crossed over. ||5||6||19||

Awsw ] (481-2)

khw suAwn kau isimRiq sunwey ] (481-2)
kahaa su-aan ka-o simrit sunaa-ay.
Why bother to read the Simritees to a dog?

khw swkq pih hir gun gwey ]1] (481-3)
kahaa saakat peh har gun gaa-ay. ||1||
Why bother to sing the Lord's Praises to the faithless cynic? ||1||

rwm rwm rwm rmy rim rhIAY ] (481-3)
raam raam raam ramay ram rahee-ai.
Remain absorbed in the Lord's Name, Raam, Raam, Raam.

swkq isau BUil nhI khIAY ]1] rhwau ] (481-3)
saakat si-o bhool nahee kahee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Do not bother to speak of it to the faithless cynic, even by mistake. ||1||Pause||

kaUAw khw kpUr crwey ] (481-4)
ka-oo-aa kahaa kapoor charaa-ay.
Why offer camphor to a crow?

kh ibsIAr kau dUDu pIAwey ]2] (481-4)
kah bisee-ar ka-o dooDh pee-aa-ay. ||2||
Why give the snake milk to drink? ||2||

sqsMgiq imil ibbyk buiD hoeI ] (481-4)
satsangat mil bibayk buDh ho-ee.
Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, discriminating understanding is attained.

pwrsu pris lohw kMcnu soeI ]3] (481-5)
paaras paras lohaa kanchan so-ee. ||3||
That iron which touches the Philosopher's Stone becomes gold. ||3||

swkqu suAwnu sBu kry krwieAw ] (481-5)
saakat su-aan sabh karay karaa-i-aa.
The dog, the faithless cynic, does everything as the Lord causes him to do.

jo Duir iliKAw su krm kmwieAw ]4] (481-5)
jo Dhur likhi-aa so karam kamaa-i-aa. ||4||
He does the deeds pre-ordained from the very beginning. ||4||

AMimRqu lY lY nImu isMcweI ] (481-6)
amrit lai lai neem sinchaa-ee.
If you take Ambrosial Nectar and irrigate the neem tree with it,

khq kbIr auAw ko shju n jweI ]5]7]20] (481-6)
kahat kabeer u-aa ko sahj na jaa-ee. ||5||7||20||
still, says Kabeer, its natural qualities are not changed. ||5||7||20||

Awsw ] (481-7)

lµkw sw kotu smuMd sI KweI ] (481-7)
lankaa saa kot samund see khaa-ee.
A fortress like that of Sri Lanka, with the ocean as a moat around it

iqh rwvn Gr Kbir n pweI ]1] (481-7)
tih raavan ghar khabar na paa-ee. ||1||
- there is no news about that house of Raavan. ||1||

ikAw mwgau ikCu iQru n rhweI ] (481-7)
ki-aa maaga-o kichh thir na rahaa-ee.
What shall I ask for? Nothing is permanent.

dyKq nYn cilE jgu jweI ]1] rhwau ] (481-8)
daykhat nain chali-o jag jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I see with my eyes that the world is passing away. ||1||Pause||

ieku lKu pUq svw lKu nwqI ] (481-8)
ik lakh poot savaa lakh naatee.
Thousands of sons and thousands of grandsons

iqh rwvn Gr dIAw n bwqI ]2] (481-8)
tih raavan ghar dee-aa na baatee. ||2||
- but in that house of Raavan, the lamps and wicks have gone out. ||2||

cMdu sUrju jw ky qpq rsoeI ] (481-9)
chand sooraj jaa kay tapat raso-ee.
The moon and the sun cooked his food.

bYsMqru jw ky kpry DoeI ]3] (481-9)
baisantar jaa kay kapray Dho-ee. ||3||
The fire washed his clothes. ||3||

gurmiq rwmY nwim bsweI ] (481-9)
gurmat raamai naam basaa-ee.
Under Guru's Instructions, one whose mind is filled with the Lord's Name,

AsiQru rhY n kqhUM jweI ]4] (481-10)
asthir rahai na katahooN jaa-ee. ||4||
becomes permanent, and does not go anywhere. ||4||

khq kbIr sunhu ry loeI ] (481-10)
kahat kabeer sunhu ray lo-ee.
Says Kabeer, listen, people:

rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n hoeI ]5]8]21] (481-10)
raam naam bin mukat na ho-ee. ||5||8||21||
without the Lord's Name, no one is liberated. ||5||8||21||

Awsw ] (481-11)

pihlw pUqu ipCYrI mweI ] (481-11)
pahilaa poot pichhairee maa-ee.
First, the son was born, and then, his mother.

guru lwgo cyly kI pweI ]1] (481-11)
gur laago chaylay kee paa-ee. ||1||
The guru falls at the feet of the disciple. ||1||

eyku AcMBau sunhu qum@ BweI ] (481-11)
ayk achambha-o sunhu tumH bhaa-ee.
Listen to this wonderful thing, O Siblings of Destiny!

dyKq isMGu crwvq gweI ]1] rhwau ] (481-12)
daykhat singh charaavat gaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I saw the lion herding the cows. ||1||Pause||

jl kI mCulI qrvir ibAweI ] (481-12)
jal kee machhulee tarvar bi-aa-ee.
The fish of the water gives birth upon a tree.

dyKq kuqrw lY geI iblweI ]2] (481-13)
daykhat kutraa lai ga-ee bilaa-ee. ||2||
I saw a cat carrying away a dog. ||2||

qlY ry bYsw aUpir sUlw ] (481-13)
talai ray baisaa oopar soolaa.
The branches are below, and the roots are above.

iqs kY pyif lgy Pl PUlw ]3] (481-13)
tis kai payd lagay fal foolaa. ||3||
The trunk of that tree bears fruits and flowers. ||3||

GorY cir BYs crwvn jweI ] (481-14)
ghorai char bhais charaavan jaa-ee.
Riding a horse, the buffalo takes him out to graze.

bwhir bYlu goin Gir AweI ]4] (481-14)
baahar bail gon ghar aa-ee. ||4||
The bull is away, while his load has come home. ||4||

khq kbIr ju ies pd bUJY ] (481-14)
kahat kabeer jo is pad boojhai.
Says Kabeer, one who understands this hymn,

rwm rmq iqsu sBu ikCu sUJY ]5]9]22] (481-14)
raam ramat tis sabh kichh soojhai. ||5||9||22||
and chants the Lord's Name, comes to understand everything. ||5||9||22||

bweIs caupdy qQw pMcpdy Awsw sRI kbIr jIau ky iqpdy 8 duquky 7 iekqukw 1 (481-15)
baa-ees cha-upday tathaa panchpaday aasaa saree kabeer jee-o kay tipday 8 dutukay 7 iktukaa 1
22 Chau-Padas And Panch-Padas, Aasaa Of Kabeer Jee, 8 Tri-Padas, 7 Du-Tukas, 1 Ik-Tuka:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (481-16)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ibMdu qy ijin ipMfu kIAw Agin kuMf rhwieAw ] (481-17)
bind tay jin pind kee-aa agan kund rahaa-i-aa.
The Lord created the body from sperm, and protected it in the fire pit.

ds mws mwqw audir rwiKAw bhuir lwgI mwieAw ]1] (481-17)
das maas maataa udar raakhi-aa bahur laagee maa-i-aa. ||1||
For ten months He preserved you in your mother's womb, and then, after you were born, you became attached to Maya. ||1||

pRwnI kwhy kau loiB lwgy rqn jnmu KoieAw ] (481-18)
paraanee kaahay ka-o lobh laagay ratan janam kho-i-aa.
O mortal, why have you attached yourself to greed, and lost the jewel of life?

pUrb jnim krm BUim bIju nwhI boieAw ]1] rhwau ] (481-18)
poorab janam karam bhoom beej naahee bo-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You did not plant the seeds of good actions in the earth of your past lives. ||1||Pause||

bwirk qy ibriD BieAw honw so hoieAw ] (481-19)
baarik tay biraDh bha-i-aa honaa so ho-i-aa.
From an infant, you have grown old. That which was to happen, has happened.

jw jmu Awie Jot pkrY qbih kwhy roieAw ]2] (481-19)
jaa jam aa-ay jhot pakrai tabeh kaahay ro-i-aa. ||2||
When the Messenger of Death comes and grabs you by your hair, why do you cry out then? ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD