Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Awvx jwxw BRmu Bau Bwgw hir hir hir gux gwieAw ] (445-1)
aavan jaanaa bharam bha-o bhaagaa har har har gun gaa-i-aa.
His comings and goings, doubts and fears come to an end, and he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har.

jnm jnm ky iklivK duK auqry hir hir nwim smwieAw ] (445-1)
janam janam kay kilvikh dukh utray har har naam samaa-i-aa.
The sins and pains of countless incarnations are washed away, and he merges into the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

ijn hir iDAwieAw Duir Bwg iliK pwieAw iqn sPlu jnmu prvwxu jIau ] (445-2)
jin har Dhi-aa-i-aa Dhur bhaag likh paa-i-aa tin safal janam parvaan jee-o.
Those who are blessed by such pre-ordained destiny, meditate on the Lord, and their lives become fruitful and approved.

hir hir min BwieAw prm suK pwieAw hir lwhw pdu inrbwxu jIau ]3] (445-3)
har har man bhaa-i-aa param sukh paa-i-aa har laahaa pad nirbaan jee-o. ||3||
One whose mind loves the Lord, Har, Har, obtains supreme peace. He reaps the profit of the Lord's Name, the state of Nirvaanaa. ||3||

ijn@ hir mIT lgwnw qy jn prDwnw qy aUqm hir hir log jIau ] (445-3)
jinH har meeth lagaanaa tay jan parDhaanaa tay ootam har har log jee-o.
Celebrated are those people, unto whom the Lord seems sweet; how exalted are those people of the Lord, Har, Har.

hir nwmu vfweI hir nwmu sKweI gur sbdI hir rs Bog jIau ] (445-4)
har naam vadaa-ee har naam sakhaa-ee gur sabdee har ras bhog jee-o.
The Lord's Name is their glorious greatness; the Lord's Name is their companion and helper. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they enjoy the sublime essence of the Lord.

hir rs Bog mhw inrjog vfBwgI hir rsu pwieAw ] (445-5)
har ras bhog mahaa nirjog vadbhaagee har ras paa-i-aa.
They enjoy the sublime essence of the Lord, and remain totally detached. By great good fortune, they obtain the sublime essence of the Lord.

sy DMnu vfy sq purKw pUry ijn gurmiq nwmu iDAwieAw ] (445-5)
say Dhan vaday sat purkhaa pooray jin gurmat naam Dhi-aa-i-aa.
So very blessed and truly perfect are those, who through Guru's Instruction meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

jnu nwnku ryxu mMgY pg swDU min cUkw sogu ivjogu jIau ] (445-6)
jan naanak rayn mangai pag saaDhoo man chookaa sog vijog jee-o.
Servant Nanak begs for the dust of the feet of the Holy; his mind is rid of sorrow and separation.

ijn@ hir mIT lgwnw qy jn prDwnw qy aUqm hir hir log jIau ]4]3]10] (445-6)
jinH har meeth lagaanaa tay jan parDhaanaa tay ootam har har log jee-o. ||4||3||10||
Celebrated are those people, unto whom the Lord seems sweet; how exalted are those people of the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||3||10||

Awsw mhlw 4 ] (445-7)
aasaa mehlaa 4.
Aasaa, Fourth Mehl:

sqjuig sBu sMqoK srIrw pg cwry Drmu iDAwnu jIau ] (445-8)
satjug sabh santokh sareeraa pag chaaray Dharam Dhi-aan jee-o.
In the Golden Age of Sat Yuga, everyone embodied contentment and meditation; religion stood upon four feet.

min qin hir gwvih prm suKu pwvih hir ihrdY hir gux igAwnu jIau ] (445-8)
man tan har gaavahi param sukh paavahi har hirdai har gun gi-aan jee-o.
With mind and body, they sang of the Lord, and attained supreme peace. In their hearts was the spiritual wisdom of the Lord's Glorious Virtues.

gux igAwnu pdwrQu hir hir ikrqwrQu soBw gurmuiK hoeI ] (445-9)
gun gi-aan padaarath har har kirtaarath sobhaa gurmukh ho-ee.
Their wealth was the spiritual wisdom of the Lord's Glorious Virtues; the Lord was their success, and to live as Gurmukh was their glory.

AMqir bwhir hir pRBu eyko dUjw Avru n koeI ] (445-10)
antar baahar har parabh ayko doojaa avar na ko-ee.
Inwardly and outwardly, they saw only the One Lord God; for them there was no other second.

hir hir ilv lweI hir nwmu sKweI hir drgh pwvY mwnu jIau ] (445-10)
har har liv laa-ee har naam sakhaa-ee har dargeh paavai maan jee-o.
They centered their consciousness lovingly on the Lord, Har, Har. The Lord's Name was their companion, and in the Court of the Lord, they obtained honor.

sqjuig sBu sMqoK srIrw pg cwry Drmu iDAwnu jIau ]1] (445-11)
satjug sabh santokh sareeraa pag chaaray Dharam Dhi-aan jee-o. ||1||
In the Golden Age of Sat Yuga, everyone embodied contentment and meditation; religion stood upon four feet. ||1||

qyqw jugu AwieAw AMqir joru pwieAw jqu sMjm krm kmwie jIau ] (445-11)
taytaa jug aa-i-aa antar jor paa-i-aa jat sanjam karam kamaa-ay jee-o.
Then came the Silver Age of Trayta Yuga; men's minds were ruled by power, and they practiced celibacy and self-discipline.

pgu cauQw iKisAw qRY pg itikAw min ihrdY k®oDu jlwie jIau ] (445-12)
pag cha-uthaa khisi-aa tarai pag tiki-aa man hirdai kroDh jalaa-ay jee-o.
The fourth foot of religion dropped off, and three remained. Their hearts and minds were inflamed with anger.

min ihrdY k®oDu mhw ibsloDu inrp Dwvih liV duKu pwieAw ] (445-13)
man hirdai kroDh mahaa bisloDh nirap Dhaaveh larh dukh paa-i-aa.
Their hearts and minds were filled with the horribly poisonous essence of anger. The kings fought their wars and obtained only pain.

AMqir mmqw rogu lgwnw haumY AhMkwru vDwieAw ] (445-13)
antar mamtaa rog lagaanaa ha-umai ahaNkaar vaDhaa-i-aa.
Their minds were afflicted with the illness of egotism, and their self-conceit and arrogance increased.

hir hir ik®pw DwrI myrY Twkuir ibKu gurmiq hir nwim lih jwie jIau ] (445-14)
har har kirpaa Dhaaree mayrai thaakur bikh gurmat har naam leh jaa-ay jee-o.
If my Lord, Har, Har, shows His Mercy, my Lord and Master eradicates the poison by the Guru's Teachings and the Lord's Name.

qyqw jugu AwieAw AMqir joru pwieAw jqu sMjm krm kmwie jIau ]2] (445-15)
taytaa jug aa-i-aa antar jor paa-i-aa jat sanjam karam kamaa-ay jee-o. ||2||
Then came the Silver Age of Trayta Yuga; men's minds were ruled by power, and they practiced celibacy and self-discipline. ||2||

jugu duAwpuru AwieAw Brim BrmwieAw hir gopI kwn@ü aupwie jIau ] (445-15)
jug du-aapur aa-i-aa bharam bharmaa-i-aa har gopee kaanH upaa-ay jee-o.
The Brass Age of Dwaapar Yuga came, and people wandered in doubt. The Lord created the Gopis and Krishna.

qpu qwpn qwpih jg puMn AwrMBih Aiq ikirAw krm kmwie jIau ] (445-16)
tap taapan taapeh jag punn aarambheh at kiri-aa karam kamaa-ay jee-o.
The penitents practiced penance, they offered sacred feasts and charity, and performed many rituals and religious rites.

ikirAw krm kmwieAw pg duie iKskwieAw duie pg itkY itkwie jIau ] (445-17)
kiri-aa karam kamaa-i-aa pag du-ay khiskaa-i-aa du-ay pag tikai tikaa-ay jee-o.
They performed many rituals and religious rites; two legs of religion dropped away, and only two legs remained.

mhw juD joD bhu kIn@y ivic haumY pcY pcwie jIau ] (445-18)
mahaa juDh joDh baho keenHay vich ha-umai pachai pachaa-ay jee-o.
So many heroes waged great wars; in their egos they were ruined, and they ruined others as well.

dIn dieAwil guru swDu imlwieAw imil siqgur mlu lih jwie jIau ] (445-18)
deen da-i-aal gur saaDh milaa-i-aa mil satgur mal leh jaa-ay jee-o.
The Lord, Compassionate to the poor, led them to meet the Holy Guru. Meeting the True Guru, their filth is washed away.

jugu duAwpuru AwieAw Brim BrmwieAw hir gopI kwn@ü aupwie jIau ]3] (445-19)
jug du-aapur aa-i-aa bharam bharmaa-i-aa har gopee kaanH upaa-ay jee-o. ||3||
The Brass Age of Dwaapar Yuga came, and the people wandered in doubt. The Lord created the Gopis and Krishna. ||3||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD