Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Dn iprih mylw hoie suAwmI Awip pRBu ikrpw kry ] (436-1)
Dhan pireh maylaa ho-ay su-aamee aap parabh kirpaa karay.
The soul-bride meets her Husband Lord, when the Lord Master Himself showers His favor upon her.

syjw suhwvI sMig ipr kY swq sr AMimRq Bry ] (436-1)
sayjaa suhaavee sang pir kai saat sar amrit bharay.
Her bed is decorated in the company of her Beloved, and her seven pools are filled with ambrosial nectar.

kir dieAw mieAw dieAwl swcy sbid imil gux gwvE ] (436-2)
kar da-i-aa ma-i-aa da-i-aal saachay sabad mil gun gaava-o.
Be kind and compassionate to me, O Merciful True Lord, that I may obtain the Word of the Shabad, and sing Your Glorious Praises.

nwnkw hir vru dyiK ibgsI muMD min EmwhE ]1] (436-3)
naankaa har var daykh bigsee munDh man omaaha-o. ||1||
O Nanak, gazing upon her Husband Lord, the soul-bride is delighted, and her mind is filled with joy. ||1||

muMD shij slonVIey iek pRym ibnµqI rwm ] (436-3)
munDh sahj salonrhee-ay ik paraym binantee raam.
O bride of natural beauty, offer your loving prayers to the Lord.

mY min qin hir BwvY pRB sMgim rwqI rwm ] (436-4)
mai man tan har bhaavai parabh sangam raatee raam.
The Lord is pleasing to my mind and body; I am intoxicated in my Lord God's Company.

pRB pRyim rwqI hir ibnµqI nwim hir kY suiK vsY ] (436-4)
parabh paraym raatee har binantee naam har kai sukh vasai.
Imbued with the Love of God, I pray to the Lord, and through the Lord's Name, I abide in peace.

qau gux pCwxih qw pRBu jwxih guxh vis Avgx nsY ] (436-5)
ta-o gun pachhaaneh taa parabh jaaneh gunah vas avgan nasai.
If you recognize His Glorious Virtues, then you shall come to know God; thus virtue shall dwell in you, and sin shall run away.

quDu bwJu ieku iqlu rih n swkw khix sunix n DIjey ] (436-5)
tuDh baajh ik til reh na saakaa kahan sunan na Dheej-ay.
Without You, I cannot survive, even for an instant; by merely talking and listening about You, I am not satisfied.

nwnkw ipRau ipRau kir pukwry rsn ris mnu BIjey ]2] (436-6)
naankaa pari-o pari-o kar pukaaray rasan ras man bheej-ay. ||2||
Nanak proclaims, "O Beloved, O Beloved!" His tongue and mind are drenched with the Lord's sublime essence. ||2||

sKIho shylVIho myrw ipru vxjwrw rwm ] (436-6)
sakheeho sahaylrheeho mayraa pir vanjaaraa raam.
O my companions and friends, my Husband Lord is the merchant.

hir nwmuo vxMjiVAw ris moil Apwrw rwm ] (436-7)
har naamo vananjrhi-aa ras mol apaaraa raam.
I have purchased the Lord's Name; its sweetness and value are unlimited.

moil Amolo sc Gir Folo pRB BwvY qw muMD BlI ] (436-7)
mol amolo sach ghar dholo parabh bhaavai taa munDh bhalee.
His value is invaluable; the Beloved dwells in His true home. If it is pleasing to God, then He blesses His bride.

ieik sMig hir kY krih rlIAw hau pukwrI dir KlI ] (436-8)
ik sang har kai karahi ralee-aa ha-o pukaaree dar khalee.
Some enjoy sweet pleasures with the Lord, while I stand crying at His door.

krx kwrx smrQ sRIDr Awip kwrju swrey ] (436-8)
karan kaaran samrath sareeDhar aap kaaraj saar-ay.
The Creator, the Cause of causes, the All-powerful Lord Himself arranges our affairs.

nwnk ndrI Dn sohwgix sbdu AB swDwrey ]3] (436-9)
naanak nadree Dhan sohagan sabad abh saaDhaar-ay. ||3||
O Nanak, blessed is the soul-bride, upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace; she enshrines the Word of the Shabad in her heart. ||3||

hm Gir swcw soihlVw pRB AwieAVy mIqw rwm ] (436-9)
ham ghar saachaa sohilrhaa parabh aa-i-arhay meetaa raam.
In my home, the true songs of rejoicing resound; the Lord God, my Friend, has come to me.

rwvy rMig rwqiVAw mnu lIAVw dIqw rwm ] (436-10)
raavay rang raat-rhi-aa man lee-arhaa deetaa raam.
He enjoys me, and imbued with His Love, I have captivated His heart, and given mine to Him.

Awpxw mnu dIAw hir vru lIAw ijau BwvY iqau rwvey ] (436-10)
aapnaa man dee-aa har var lee-aa ji-o bhaavai ti-o raav-ay.
I gave my mind, and obtained the Lord as my Husband; as it pleases His Will, He enjoys me.

qnu mnu ipr AwgY sbid sBwgY Gir AMimRq Plu pwvey ] (436-11)
tan man pir aagai sabad sabhaagai ghar amrit fal paav-ay.
I have placed my body and mind before my Husband Lord, and through the Shabad, I have been blessed. Within the home of my own self, I have obtained the ambrosial fruit.

buiD pwiT n pweIAY bhu cqurweIAY Bwie imlY min Bwxy ] (436-12)
buDh paath na paa-ee-ai baho chaturaa-ee-ai bhaa-ay milai man bhaanay.
He is not obtained by intellectual recitation or great cleverness; only by love does the mind obtain Him.

nwnk Twkur mIq hmwry hm nwhI lokwxy ]4]1] (436-12)
naanak thaakur meet hamaaray ham naahee lokaanay. ||4||1||
O Nanak, the Lord Master is my Best Friend; I am not an ordinary person. ||4||1||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (436-13)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

Anhdo Anhdu vwjY rux Juxkwry rwm ] (436-13)
anhado anhad vaajai run jhunkaaray raam.
The unstruck melody of the sound current resounds with the vibrations of the celestial instruments.

myrw mno myrw mnu rwqw lwl ipAwry rwm ] (436-13)
mayraa mano mayraa man raataa laal pi-aaray raam.
My mind, my mind is imbued with the Love of my Darling Beloved.

Anidnu rwqw mnu bYrwgI suMn mMfil Gru pwieAw ] (436-14)
an-din raataa man bairaagee sunn mandal ghar paa-i-aa.
Night and day, my detached mind remains absorbed in the Lord, and I obtain my home in the profound trance of the celestial void.

Awid purKu AprMpru ipAwrw siqguir AlKu lKwieAw ] (436-14)
aad purakh aprampar pi-aaraa satgur alakh lakhaa-i-aa.
The True Guru has revealed to me the Primal Lord, the Infinite, my Beloved, the Unseen.

Awsix bYsix iQru nwrwiexu iqqu mnu rwqw vIcwry ] (436-15)
aasan baisan thir naaraa-in tit man raataa veechaaray.
The Lord's posture and His seat are permanent; my mind is absorbed in reflective contemplation upon Him.

nwnk nwim rqy bYrwgI Anhd rux Juxkwry ]1] (436-15)
naanak naam ratay bairaagee anhad run jhunkaaray. ||1||
O Nanak, the detached ones are imbued with His Name, the unstruck melody, and the celestial vibrations. ||1||

iqqu Agm iqqu Agm pury khu ikqu ibiD jweIAY rwm ] (436-16)
tit agam tit agam puray kaho kit biDh jaa-ee-ai raam.
Tell me, how can I reach that unreachable, that unreachable city?

scu sMjmo swir guxw gur sbdu kmweIAY rwm ] (436-17)
sach sanjamo saar gunaa gur sabad kamaa-ee-ai raam.
By practicing truthfulness and self-restraint, by contemplating His Glorious Virtues, and living the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

scu sbdu kmweIAY inj Gir jweIAY pweIAY guxI inDwnw ] (436-17)
sach sabad kamaa-ee-ai nij ghar jaa-ee-ai paa-ee-ai gunee niDhaanaa.
Practicing the True Word of the Shabad, one comes to the home of his own inner being, and obtains the treasure of virtue.

iqqu swKw mUlu pqu nhI fwlI isir sBnw prDwnw ] (436-18)
tit saakhaa mool pat nahee daalee sir sabhnaa parDhaanaa.
He has no stems, roots, leaves or branches, but He is the Supreme Lord over the heads of all.

jpu qpu kir kir sMjm QwkI hiT ingRih nhI pweIAY ] (436-18)
jap tap kar kar sanjam thaakee hath nigrahi nahee paa-ee-ai.
Practicing intensive meditation, chanting and self-discipline, people have grown weary; stubbornly practicing these rituals, they still have not found Him.

nwnk shij imly jgjIvn siqgur bUJ buJweIAY ]2] (436-19)
naanak sahj milay jagjeevan satgur boojh bujhaa-ee-ai. ||2||
O Nanak, through spiritual wisdom, the Lord, the Life of the world, is met; the True Guru imparts this understanding. ||2||

guru swgro rqnwgru iqqu rqn Gxyry rwm ] (436-19)
gur saagro ratnaagar tit ratan ghanayray raam.
The Guru is the ocean, the mountain of jewels, overflowing with jewels.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD