Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


kaunu ko pUqu ipqw ko kw ko ] (331-1)
ka-un ko poot pitaa ko kaa ko.
Whose son is he? Whose father is he?

kaunu mrY ko dyie sMqwpo ]1] (331-1)
ka-un marai ko day-ay santaapo. ||1||
Who dies? Who inflicts pain? ||1||

hir Tg jg kau TgaurI lweI ] (331-1)
har thag jag ka-o thag-uree laa-ee.
The Lord is the thug, who has drugged and robbed the whole world.

hir ky ibEg kYsy jIAau myrI mweI ]1] rhwau ] (331-2)
har kay bi-og kaisay jee-a-o mayree maa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am separated from the Lord; how can I survive, O my mother? ||1||Pause||

kaun ko purKu kaun kI nwrI ] (331-2)
ka-un ko purakh ka-un kee naaree.
Whose husband is he? Whose wife is she?

ieAw qq lyhu srIr ibcwrI ]2] (331-2)
i-aa tat layho sareer bichaaree. ||2||
Contemplate this reality within your body. ||2||

kih kbIr Tg isau mnu mwinAw ] (331-3)
kahi kabeer thag si-o man maani-aa.
Says Kabeer, my mind is pleased and satisfied with the thug.

geI TgaurI Tgu pihcwinAw ]3]39] (331-3)
ga-ee thag-uree thag pehchaani-aa. ||3||39||
The effects of the drug have vanished, since I recognized the thug. ||3||39||

Ab mo kau Bey rwjw rwm shweI ] (331-4)
ab mo ka-o bha-ay raajaa raam sahaa-ee.
Now, the Lord, my King, has become my help and support.

jnm mrn kit prm giq pweI ]1] rhwau ] (331-4)
janam maran kat param gat paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have cut away birth and death, and attained the supreme status. ||1||Pause||

swDU sMgiq dIE rlwie ] (331-5)
saaDhoo sangat dee-o ralaa-ay.
He has united me with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

pMc dUq qy lIE Cfwie ] (331-5)
panch doot tay lee-o chhadaa-ay.
He has rescued me from the five demons.

AMimRq nwmu jpau jpu rsnw ] (331-5)
amrit naam japa-o jap rasnaa.
I chant with my tongue and meditate on the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord.

Amol dwsu kir lIno Apnw ]1] (331-5)
amol daas kar leeno apnaa. ||1||
He has made me his own slave. ||1||

siqgur kIno praupkwru ] (331-6)
satgur keeno par-upkaar.
The True Guru has blessed me with His generosity.

kwiF lIn swgr sMswr ] (331-6)
kaadh leen saagar sansaar.
He has lifted me up, out of the world-ocean.

crn kml isau lwgI pRIiq ] (331-6)
charan kamal si-o laagee pareet.
I have fallen in love with His Lotus Feet.

goibMdu bsY inqw inq cIq ]2] (331-7)
gobind basai nitaa nit cheet. ||2||
The Lord of the Universe dwells continually within my consciousness. ||2||

mwieAw qpiq buiJAw AMigAwru ] (331-7)
maa-i-aa tapat bujhi-aa angi-aar.
The burning fire of Maya has been extinguished.

min sMqoKu nwmu AwDwru ] (331-8)
man santokh naam aaDhaar.
My mind is contented with the Support of the Naam.

jil Qil pUir rhy pRB suAwmI ] (331-8)
jal thal poor rahay parabh su-aamee.
God, the Lord and Master, is totally permeating the water and the land.

jq pyKau qq AMqrjwmI ]3] (331-8)
jat paykha-o tat antarjaamee. ||3||
Wherever I look, there is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||3||

ApnI Bgiq Awp hI idRVweI ] (331-9)
apnee bhagat aap hee darirhaa-ee.
He Himself has implanted His devotional worship within me.

pUrb ilKqu imilAw myry BweI ] (331-9)
poorab likhat mili-aa mayray bhaa-ee.
By pre-ordained destiny, one meets Him, O my Siblings of Destiny.

ijsu ik®pw kry iqsu pUrn swj ] (331-9)
jis kirpaa karay tis pooran saaj.
When He grants His Grace, one is perfectly fulfilled.

kbIr ko suAwmI grIb invwj ]4]40] (331-10)
kabeer ko su-aamee gareeb nivaaj. ||4||40||
Kabeer's Lord and Master is the Cherisher of the poor. ||4||40||

jil hY sUqku Qil hY sUqku sUqk Epiq hoeI ] (331-10)
jal hai sootak thal hai sootak sootak opat ho-ee.
There is pollution in the water, and pollution on the land; whatever is born is polluted.

jnmy sUqku mUey Puin sUqku sUqk prj ibgoeI ]1] (331-11)
janmay sootak moo-ay fun sootak sootak paraj bigo-ee. ||1||
There is pollution in birth, and more pollution in death; all beings are ruined by pollution. ||1||

khu ry pMfIAw kaun pvIqw ] (331-11)
kaho ray pandee-aa ka-un paveetaa.
Tell me, O Pandit, O religious scholar: who is clean and pure?

AYsw igAwnu jphu myry mIqw ]1] rhwau ] (331-12)
aisaa gi-aan japahu mayray meetaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditate on such spiritual wisdom, O my friend. ||1||Pause||

nYnhu sUqku bYnhu sUqku sUqku sRvnI hoeI ] (331-12)
nainhu sootak bainhu sootak sootak sarvanee ho-ee.
There is pollution in the eyes, and pollution in speech; there is pollution in the ears as well.

aUTq bYTq sUqku lwgY sUqku prY rsoeI ]2] (331-12)
oothat baithat sootak laagai sootak parai raso-ee. ||2||
Standing up and sitting down, one is polluted; one's kitchen is polluted as well. ||2||

Pwsn kI ibiD sBu koaU jwnY CUtn kI ieku koeI ] (331-13)
faasan kee biDh sabh ko-oo jaanai chhootan kee ik ko-ee.
Everyone knows how to be caught, but hardly anyone knows how to escape.

kih kbIr rwmu irdY ibcwrY sUqku iqnY n hoeI ]3]41] (331-14)
kahi kabeer raam ridai bichaarai sootak tinai na ho-ee. ||3||41||
Says Kabeer, those who meditate on the Lord within their hearts, are not polluted. ||3||41||

gauVI ] (331-14)

Jgrw eyku inbyrhu rwm ] (331-14)
jhagraa ayk nibayrahu raam.
Resolve this one conflict for me, O Lord,

jau qum Apny jn sO kwmu ]1] rhwau ] (331-15)
ja-o tum apnay jan sou kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
if you require any work from Your humble servant. ||1||Pause||

iehu mnu bfw ik jw sau mnu mwinAw ] (331-15)
ih man badaa ke jaa sa-o man maani-aa.
Is this mind greater, or the One to whom the mind is attuned?

rwmu bfw kY rwmih jwinAw ]1] (331-15)
raam badaa kai raameh jaani-aa. ||1||
Is the Lord greater, or one who knows the Lord? ||1||

bRhmw bfw ik jwsu aupwieAw ] (331-16)
barahmaa badaa ke jaas upaa-i-aa.
Is Brahma greater, or the One who created Him?

bydu bfw ik jhW qy AwieAw ]2] (331-16)
bayd badaa ke jahaaN tay aa-i-aa. ||2||
Are the Vedas greater, or the One from which they came? ||2||

kih kbIr hau BieAw audwsu ] (331-17)
kahi kabeer ha-o bha-i-aa udaas.
Says Kabeer, I have become depressed;

qIrQu bfw ik hir kw dwsu ]3]42] (331-17)
tirath badaa ke har kaa daas. ||3||42||
is the sacred shrine of pilgrimage greater, or the slave of the Lord? ||3||42||

rwgu gauVI cyqI ] (331-17)
raag ga-orhee chaytee.
Raag Gauree Chaytee:

dyKO BweI g´wn kI AweI AWDI ] (331-18)
daykhou bhaa-ee ga-yaan kee aa-ee aaNDhee.
Behold, O Siblings of Destiny, the storm of spiritual wisdom has come.

sBY aufwnI BRm kI twtI rhY n mwieAw bWDI ]1] rhwau ] (331-18)
sabhai udaanee bharam kee taatee rahai na maa-i-aa baaNDhee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It has totally blown away the thatched huts of doubt, and torn apart the bonds of Maya. ||1||Pause||

duicqy kI duie QUin igrwnI moh blyfw tUtw ] (331-19)
duchitay kee du-ay thoon giraanee moh balaydaa tootaa.
The two pillars of double-mindedness have fallen, and the beams of emotional attachment have come crashing down.

iqsnw Cwin prI Dr aUpir durmiq BWfw PUtw ]1] (331-19)
tisnaa chhaan paree Dhar oopar durmat bhaaNdaa footaa. ||1||
The thatched roof of greed has caved in, and the pitcher of evil-mindedness has been broken. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD