Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iesqrI purK kwim ivAwpy jIau rwm nwm kI ibiD nhI jwxI ] (246-1)
istaree purakh kaam vi-aapay jee-o raam naam kee biDh nahee jaanee.
Men and women are obsessed with sex; they do not know the Way of the Lord's Name.

mwq ipqw suq BweI Kry ipAwry jIau fUib muey ibnu pwxI ] (246-1)
maat pitaa sut bhaa-ee kharay pi-aaray jee-o doob mu-ay bin paanee.
Mother, father, children and siblings are very dear, but they drown, even without water.

fUib muey ibnu pwxI giq nhI jwxI haumY Dwqu sMswry ] (246-2)
doob mu-ay bin paanee gat nahee jaanee ha-umai Dhaat sansaaray.
They are drowned to death without water - they do not know the path of salvation, and they wander around the world in egotism.

jo AwieAw so sBu ko jwsI aubry gur vIcwry ] (246-2)
jo aa-i-aa so sabh ko jaasee ubray gur veechaaray.
All those who come into the world shall depart. Only those who contemplate the Guru shall be saved.

gurmuiK hovY rwm nwmu vKwxY Awip qrY kul qwry ] (246-3)
gurmukh hovai raam naam vakhaanai aap tarai kul taaray.
Those who become Gurmukh and chant the Lord's Name, save themselves and save their families as well.

nwnk nwmu vsY Gt AMqir gurmiq imly ipAwry ]2] (246-4)
naanak naam vasai ghat antar gurmat milay pi-aaray. ||2||
O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides deep within their hearts; through the Guru's Teachings, they meet their Beloved. ||2||

rwm nwm ibnu ko iQru nwhI jIau bwjI hY sMswrw ] (246-4)
raam naam bin ko thir naahee jee-o baajee hai sansaaraa.
Without the Lord's Name, nothing is stable. This world is just a drama.

idRVu Bgiq scI jIau rwm nwmu vwpwrw ] (246-5)
darirh bhagat sachee jee-o raam naam vaapaaraa.
Implant true devotional worship within your heart, and trade in the Name of the Lord.

rwm nwmu vwpwrw Agm Apwrw gurmqI Dnu pweIAY ] (246-5)
raam naam vaapaaraa agam apaaraa gurmatee Dhan paa-ee-ai.
Trade in the Lord's Name is infinite and unfathomable. Through the Guru's Teachings, this wealth is obtained.

syvw suriq Bgiq ieh swcI ivchu Awpu gvweIAY ] (246-6)
sayvaa surat bhagat ih saachee vichahu aap gavaa-ee-ai.
This selfless service, meditation and devotion is true, if you eliminate selfishness and conceit from within.

hm miq hIx mUrK mugD AMDy siqguir mwrig pwey ] (246-6)
ham mat heen moorakh mugaDh anDhay satgur maarag paa-ay.
I am senseless, foolish, idiotic and blind, but the True Guru has placed me on the Path.

nwnk gurmuiK sbid suhwvy Anidnu hir gux gwey ]3] (246-7)
naanak gurmukh sabad suhaavay an-din har gun gaa-ay. ||3||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are adorned with the Shabad; night and day, they sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||3||

Awip krwey kry Awip jIau Awpy sbid svwry ] (246-7)
aap karaa-ay karay aap jee-o aapay sabad savaaray.
He Himself acts, and inspires others to act; He Himself embellishes us with the Word of His Shabad.

Awpy siqguru Awip sbdu jIau jugu jugu Bgq ipAwry ] (246-8)
aapay satgur aap sabad jee-o jug jug bhagat pi-aaray.
He Himself is the True Guru, and He Himself is the Shabad; in each and every age, He loves His devotees.

jugu jugu Bgq ipAwry hir Awip svwry Awpy BgqI lwey ] (246-9)
jug jug bhagat pi-aaray har aap savaaray aapay bhagtee laa-ay.
In age after age, He loves His devotees; the Lord Himself adorns them, and He Himself enjoins them to worship Him with devotion.

Awpy dwnw Awpy bInw Awpy syv krwey ] (246-9)
aapay daanaa aapay beenaa aapay sayv karaa-ay.
He Himself is All-knowing, and He Himself is All-seeing; He inspires us to serve Him.

Awpy guxdwqw Avgux kwty ihrdY nwmu vswey ] (246-10)
aapay gundaataa avgun kaatay hirdai naam vasaa-ay.
He Himself is the Giver of merits, and the Destroyer of demerits; He causes His Name to dwell within our hearts.

nwnk sd bilhwrI scy ivthu Awpy kry krwey ]4]4] (246-10)
naanak sad balihaaree sachay vitahu aapay karay karaa-ay. ||4||4||
Nanak is forever a sacrifice to the True Lord, who Himself is the Doer, the Cause of causes. ||4||4||

gauVI mhlw 3 ] (246-11)
ga-orhee mehlaa 3.
Gauree, Third Mehl:

gur kI syvw kir iprw jIau hir nwmu iDAwey ] (246-11)
gur kee sayvaa kar piraa jee-o har naam Dhi-aa-ay.
Serve the Guru, O my dear soul; meditate on the Lord's Name.

mM\hu dUir n jwih iprw jIau Gir bYiTAw hir pwey ] (246-11)
manjahu door na jaahi piraa jee-o ghar baithi-aa har paa-ay.
Do not leave me, O my dear soul - you shall find the Lord while sitting within the home of your own being.

Gir bYiTAw hir pwey sdw icqu lwey shjy siq suBwey ] (246-12)
ghar baithi-aa har paa-ay sadaa chit laa-ay sehjay sat subhaa-ay.
You shall obtain the Lord while sitting within the home of your own being, focusing your consciousness constantly upon the Lord, with true intuitive faith.

gur kI syvw KrI suKwlI ijs no Awip krwey ] (246-13)
gur kee sayvaa kharee sukhaalee jis no aap karaa-ay.
Serving the Guru brings great peace; they alone do it, whom the Lord inspires to do so.

nwmo bIjy nwmo jMmY nwmo mMin vswey ] (246-13)
naamo beejay naamo jammai naamo man vasaa-ay.
They plant the seed of the Name, and the Name sprouts within; the Name abides within the mind.

nwnk sic nwim vifAweI pUrib iliKAw pwey ]1] (246-14)
naanak sach naam vadi-aa-ee poorab likhi-aa paa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, glorious greatness rests in the True Name; It is obtained by perfect pre-ordained destiny. ||1||

hir kw nwmu mITw iprw jIau jw cwKih icqu lwey ] (246-14)
har kaa naam meethaa piraa jee-o jaa chaakhahi chit laa-ay.
The Name of the Lord is so sweet, O my dear; taste it, and focus your consciousness on it.

rsnw hir rsu cwKu muXy jIau An rs swd gvwey ] (246-15)
rasnaa har ras chaakh muyay jee-o an ras saad gavaa-ay.
Taste the sublime essence of the Lord with your tongue, my dear, and renounce the pleasures of other tastes.

sdw hir rsu pwey jw hir Bwey rsnw sbid suhwey ] (246-15)
sadaa har ras paa-ay jaa har bhaa-ay rasnaa sabad suhaa-ay.
You shall obtain the everlasting essence of the Lord when it pleases the Lord; your tongue shall be adorned with the Word of His Shabad.

nwmu iDAwey sdw suKu pwey nwim rhY ilv lwey ] (246-16)
naam Dhi-aa-ay sadaa sukh paa-ay naam rahai liv laa-ay.
Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, a lasting peace is obtained; so remain lovingly focused on the Naam.

nwmy aupjY nwmy ibnsY nwmy sic smwey ] (246-16)
naamay upjai naamay binsai naamay sach samaa-ay.
From the Naam we originate, and into the Naam we shall pass; through the Naam, we are absorbed in the Truth.

nwnk nwmu gurmqI pweIAY Awpy ley lvwey ]2] (246-17)
naanak naam gurmatee paa-ee-ai aapay la-ay lavaa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, the Naam is obtained through the Guru's Teachings; He Himself attaches us to it. ||2||

eyh ivfwxI cwkrI iprw jIau Dn Coif prdyis isDwey ] (246-17)
ayh vidaanee chaakree piraa jee-o Dhan chhod pardays siDhaa-ay.
Working for someone else, O my dear, is like forsaking the bride, and going to foreign countries.

dUjY iknY suKu n pwieE iprw jIau ibiKAw loiB luBwey ] (246-18)
doojai kinai sukh na paa-i-o piraa jee-o bikhi-aa lobh lubhaa-ay.
In duality, no one has ever found peace, O my dear; you are greedy for corruption and greed.

ibiKAw loiB luBwey Brim Bulwey Ehu ikau kir suKu pwey ] (246-18)
bikhi-aa lobh lubhaa-ay bharam bhulaa-ay oh ki-o kar sukh paa-ay.
Greedy for corruption and greed, and deluded by doubt, how can anyone find peace?

cwkrI ivfwxI KrI duKwlI Awpu vyic Drmu gvwey ] (246-19)
chaakree vidaanee kharee dukhaalee aap vaych Dharam gavaa-ay.
Working for strangers is very painful; doing so, one sells himself and loses his faith in the Dharma.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD