Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk nwim rqy inhkyvl inrbwxI ]4]13]33] (162-1)
naanak naam ratay nihkayval nirbaanee. ||4||13||33||
O Nanak, attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, they are detached, in the perfect balance of Nirvaanaa. ||4||13||33||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 3 ] (162-1)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 3.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Third Mehl:

siqguru imlY vfBwig sMjog ] (162-2)
satgur milai vadbhaag sanjog.
Through great good fortune and high destiny, one meets the True Guru.

ihrdY nwmu inq hir rs Bog ]1] (162-2)
hirdai naam nit har ras bhog. ||1||
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is constantly within the heart, and one enjoys the sublime essence of the Lord. ||1||

gurmuiK pRwxI nwmu hir iDAwie ] (162-2)
gurmukh paraanee naam har Dhi-aa-ay.
O mortal, become Gurmukh, and meditate on the Name of the Lord.

jnmu jIiq lwhw nwmu pwie ]1] rhwau ] (162-3)
janam jeet laahaa naam paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Be victorious in the game of life, and earn the profit of the Naam. ||1||Pause||

igAwnu iDAwnu gur sbdu hY mITw ] (162-3)
gi-aan Dhi-aan gur sabad hai meethaa.
Spiritual wisdom and meditation come to those unto whom the Word of the Guru's Shabad is sweet.

gur ikrpw qy iknY ivrlY ciK fITw ]2] (162-4)
gur kirpaa tay kinai virlai chakh deethaa. ||2||
By Guru's Grace, a few have tasted, and seen it. ||2||

krm kWf bhu krih Acwr ] (162-4)
karam kaaNd baho karahi achaar.
They may perform all sorts of religious rituals and good actions,

ibnu nwvY iDRgu iDRgu AhMkwr ]3] (162-4)
bin naavai Dharig Dharig ahaNkaar. ||3||
but without the Name, the egotistical ones are cursed and doomed. ||3||

bMDin bwiDE mwieAw Pws ] (162-5)
banDhan baaDhi-o maa-i-aa faas.
They are bound and gagged, and hung by Maya's noose;

jn nwnk CUtY gur prgws ]4]14]34] (162-5)
jan naanak chhootai gur pargaas. ||4||14||34||
O servant Nanak, they shall be released only by Guru's Grace. ||4||14||34||

mhlw 3 gauVI bYrwgix ] (162-6)
mehlaa 3 ga-orhee bairaagan.
Third Mehl, Gauree Bairaagan:

jYsI DrqI aUpirmyGulw brsqu hY ikAw DrqI mDy pwxI nwhI ] (162-6)
jaisee Dhartee oopar mayghulaa barsat hai ki-aa Dhartee maDhay paanee naahee.
The clouds pour their rain down upon the earth, but isn't there water within the earth as well?

jYsy DrqI mDy pwxI prgwisAw ibnu pgw vrsq iPrwhI ]1] (162-6)
jaisay Dhartee maDhay paanee pargaasi-aa bin pagaa varsat firaa-ee. ||1||
Water is contained within the earth; without feet, the clouds run around and let down their rain. ||1||

bwbw qUM AYsy Brmu cukwhI ] (162-7)
baabaa tooN aisay bharam chukaahee.
O Baba, get rid of your doubts like this.

jo ikCu krqu hY soeI koeI hY ry qYsy jwie smwhI ]1] rhwau ] (162-7)
jo kichh karat hai so-ee ko-ee hai ray taisay jaa-ay samaahee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As you act, so shall you become, and so you shall go and mingle. ||1||Pause||

iesqrI purK hoie kY ikAw Eie krm kmwhI ] (162-8)
istaree purakh ho-ay kai ki-aa o-ay karam kamaahee.
As woman or man, what can anyone do?

nwnw rUp sdw hih qyry quJ hI mwih smwhI ]2] (162-9)
naanaa roop sadaa heh tayray tujh hee maahi samaahee. ||2||
The many and various forms are always Yours, O Lord; they shall merge again into You. ||2||

ieqny jnm BUil pry sy jw pwieAw qw BUly nwhI ] (162-9)
itnay janam bhool paray say jaa paa-i-aa taa bhoolay naahee.
In countless incarnations, I went astray. Now that I have found You, I shall no longer wander.

jw kw kwrju soeI pru jwxY jy gur kY sbid smwhI ]3] (162-10)
jaa kaa kaaraj so-ee par jaanai jay gur kai sabad samaahee. ||3||
It is His work; those who are absorbed in the Word of the Guru's Shabad come to know it well. ||3||

qyrw sbdu qUMhY hih Awpy Brmu khwhI ] (162-10)
tayraa sabad tooNhai heh aapay bharam kahaahee.
The Shabad is Yours; You are Yourself. Where is there any doubt?

nwnk qqu qq isau imilAw punrip jnim n AwhI ]4]1]15]35] (162-11)
naanak tat tat si-o mili-aa punrap janam na aahee. ||4||1||15||35||
O Nanak, one whose essence is merged with the Lord's essence does not have to enter the cycle of reincarnation again. ||4||1||15||35||

gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 3 ] (162-11)
ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 3.
Gauree Bairaagan, Third Mehl:

sBu jgu kwlY vis hY bwDw dUjY Bwie ] (162-12)
sabh jag kaalai vas hai baaDhaa doojai bhaa-ay.
The whole world is under the power of Death, bound by the love of duality.

haumY krm kmwvdy mnmuiK imlY sjwie ]1] (162-12)
ha-umai karam kamaavday manmukh milai sajaa-ay. ||1||
The self-willed manmukhs do their deeds in ego; they receive their just rewards. ||1||

myry mn gur crxI icqu lwie ] (162-13)
mayray man gur charnee chit laa-ay.
O my mind, focus your consciousness on the Guru's Feet.

gurmuiK nwmu inDwnu lY drgh ley Cfwie ]1] rhwau ] (162-13)
gurmukh naam niDhaan lai dargeh la-ay chhadaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As Gurmukh, you shall be awarded the treasure of the Naam. In the Court of the Lord, you shall be saved. ||1||Pause||

lK caurwsIh Brmdy mnhiT AwvY jwie ] (162-13)
lakh cha-oraaseeh bharamday manhath aavai jaa-ay.
Through 8.4 million incarnations, people wander lost; in stubborn-mindedness, they come and go.

gur kw sbdu n cIinE iPir iPir jonI pwie ]2] (162-14)
gur kaa sabad na cheeni-o fir fir jonee paa-ay. ||2||
They do not realize the Word of the Guru's Shabad; they are reincarnated over and over again. ||2||

gurmuiK Awpu pCwixAw hir nwmu visAw min Awie ] (162-14)
gurmukh aap pachhaani-aa har naam vasi-aa man aa-ay.
The Gurmukh understands his own self. The Lord's Name comes to dwell within the mind.

Anidnu BgqI riqAw hir nwmy suiK smwie ]3] (162-15)
an-din bhagtee rati-aa har naamay sukh samaa-ay. ||3||
Imbued with devotion to the Lord's Name, night and day, he merges in peace. ||3||

mnu sbid mrY prqIiq hoie haumY qjy ivkwr ] (162-16)
man sabad marai parteet ho-ay ha-umai tajay vikaar.
When one's mind dies in the Shabad, one radiates faith and confidence, shedding egotism and corruption.

jn nwnk krmI pweIAin hir nwmw Bgiq BMfwr ]4]2]16]36] (162-16)
jan naanak karmee paa-ee-an har naamaa bhagat bhandaar. ||4||2||16||36||
O servant Nanak, through the karma of good actions, the treasure of devotional worship and the Name of the Lord are attained. ||4||2||16||36||

gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 3 ] (162-17)
ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 3.
Gauree Bairaagan, Third Mehl:

pyeIAVY idn cwir hY hir hir iliK pwieAw ] (162-17)
pay-ee-arhai din chaar hai har har likh paa-i-aa.
The Lord, Har, Har, has ordained that the soul is to stay in her parents' home for only a few short days.

soBwvMqI nwir hY gurmuiK gux gwieAw ] (162-18)
sobhaavantee naar hai gurmukh gun gaa-i-aa.
Glorious is that soul-bride, who as Gurmukh, sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

pyvkVY gux sMmlY swhurY vwsu pwieAw ] (162-18)
payvkarhai gun sammlai saahurai vaas paa-i-aa.
She who cultivates virtue in her parents' home, shall obtain a home at her in-laws.

gurmuiK shij smwxIAw hir hir min BwieAw ]1] (162-18)
gurmukh sahj samaanee-aa har har man bhaa-i-aa. ||1||
The Gurmukhs are intuitively absorbed into the Lord. The Lord is pleasing to their minds. ||1||

ssurY pyeIAY ipru vsY khu ikqu ibiD pweIAY ] (162-19)
sasurai pay-ee-ai pir vasai kaho kit biDh paa-ee-ai.
Our Husband Lord dwells in this world, and in the world beyond. Tell me, how can He be found?

Awip inrMjnu AlKu hY Awpy mylweIAY ]1] rhwau ] (162-19)
aap niranjan alakh hai aapay maylaa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Immaculate Lord Himself is unseen. He unites us with Himself. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD