Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


eyksu crxI jy icqu lwvih lib loiB kI Dwvisqw ]3] (156-1)
aykas charnee jay chit laaveh lab lobh kee Dhaavsitaa. ||3||
If you focus your consciousness on the Feet of the One Lord, what reason would you have to chase after greed? ||3||

jpis inrMjnu rcis mnw ] (156-1)
japas niranjan rachas manaa.
Meditate on the Immaculate Lord, and saturate your mind with Him.

kwhy bolih jogI kptu Gnw ]1] rhwau ] (156-2)
kaahay boleh jogee kapat ghanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Why, O Yogi, do you make so many false and deceptive claims? ||1||Pause||

kwieAw kmlI hMsu ieAwxw myrI myrI krq ibhwxIqw ] (156-2)
kaa-i-aa kamlee hans i-aanaa mayree mayree karat bihaaneetaa.
The body is wild, and the mind is foolish. Practicing egotism, selfishness and conceit, your life is passing away.

pRxviq nwnku nwgI dwJY iPir pwCY pCuqwxIqw ]4]3]15] (156-3)
paranvat naanak naagee daajhai fir paachhai pachhutaaneetaa. ||4||3||15||
Prays Nanak, when the naked body is cremated, then you will come to regret and repent. ||4||3||15||

gauVI cyqI mhlw 1 ] (156-3)
ga-orhee chaytee mehlaa 1.
Gauree Chaytee, First Mehl:

AauKD mMqR mUlu mn eykY jy kir idRVu icqu kIjY ry ] (156-3)
a-ukhaDh mantar mool man aykai jay kar darirh chit keejai ray.
O mind, there is only the One medicine, mantra and healing herb - center your consciousness firmly on the One Lord.

jnm jnm ky pwp krm ky kwtnhwrw lIjY ry ]1] (156-4)
janam janam kay paap karam kay katanhaaraa leejai ray. ||1||
Take to the Lord, the Destroyer of the sins and karma of past incarnations. ||1||

mn eyko swihbu BweI ry ] (156-5)
man ayko saahib bhaa-ee ray.
The One Lord and Master is pleasing to my mind.

qyry qIin guxw sMswir smwvih AlKu n lKxw jweI ry ]1] rhwau ] (156-5)
tayray teen gunaa sansaar samaaveh alakh na lakh-naa jaa-ee ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In Your three qualities, the world is engrossed; the Unknowable cannot be known. ||1||Pause||

skr KMfu mwieAw qin mITI hm qau pMf aucweI ry ] (156-6)
sakar khand maa-i-aa tan meethee ham ta-o pand uchaa-ee ray.
Maya is so sweet to the body, like sugar or molasses. We all carry loads of it.

rwiq AnyrI sUJis nwhI lju tUkis mUsw BweI ry ]2] (156-6)
raat anayree soojhas naahee laj tookas moosaa bhaa-ee ray. ||2||
In the dark of the night, nothing can be seen. The mouse of death is gnawing away at the rope of life, O Siblings of Destiny! ||2||

mnmuiK krih qyqw duKu lwgY gurmuiK imlY vfweI ry ] (156-7)
manmukh karahi taytaa dukh laagai gurmukh milai vadaa-ee ray.
As the self-willed manmukhs act, they suffer in pain. The Gurmukh obtains honor and greatness.

jo iqin kIAw soeI hoAw ikrqu n myitAw jweI ry ]3] (156-7)
jo tin kee-aa so-ee ho-aa kirat na mayti-aa jaa-ee ray. ||3||
Whatever He does, that alone happens; past actions cannot be erased. ||3||

suBr Bry n hovih aUxy jo rwqy rMgu lweI ry ] (156-8)
subhar bharay na hoveh oonay jo raatay rang laa-ee ray.
Those who are imbued with, and committed to the Lord's Love, are filled to overflowing; they never lack anything.

iqn kI pMk hovY jy nwnku qau mUVw ikCu pweI ry ]4]4]16] (156-8)
tin kee pank hovai jay naanak ta-o moorhaa kichh paa-ee ray. ||4||4||16||
If Nanak could be the dust of their feet, then he, the ignorant one, might also obtain some. ||4||4||16||

gauVI cyqI mhlw 1 ] (156-9)
ga-orhee chaytee mehlaa 1.
Gauree Chaytee, First Mehl:

kq kI mweI bwpu kq kyrw ikdU Qwvhu hm Awey ] (156-9)
kat kee maa-ee baap kat kayraa kidoo thaavhu ham aa-ay.
Who is our mother, and who is our father? Where did we come from?

Agin ibMb jl BIqir inpjy kwhy kMim aupwey ]1] (156-10)
agan bimb jal bheetar nipjay kaahay kamm upaa-ay. ||1||
We are formed from the fire of the womb within, and the bubble of water of the sperm. For what purpose are we created? ||1||

myry swihbw kauxu jwxY gux qyry ] (156-10)
mayray saahibaa ka-un jaanai gun tayray.
O my Master, who can know Your Glorious Virtues?

khy n jwnI Aaugx myry ]1] rhwau ] (156-11)
kahay na jaanee a-ugan mayray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My own demerits cannot be counted. ||1||Pause||

kyqy ruK ibrK hm cIny kyqy psU aupwey ] (156-11)
kaytay rukh birakh ham cheenay kaytay pasoo upaa-ay.
I took the form of so many plants and trees, and so many animals.

kyqy nwg kulI mih Awey kyqy pMK aufwey ]2] (156-11)
kaytay naag kulee meh aa-ay kaytay pankh udaa-ay. ||2||
Many times I entered the families of snakes and flying birds. ||2||

ht ptx ibj mMdr BMnY kir corI Gir AwvY ] (156-12)
hat patan bij mandar bhannai kar choree ghar aavai.
I broke into the shops of the city and well-guarded palaces; stealing from them, I snuck home again.

Aghu dyKY ipChu dyKY quJ qy khw CpwvY ]3] (156-12)
agahu daykhai pichhahu daykhai tujh tay kahaa chhapaavai. ||3||
I looked in front of me, and I looked behind me, but where could I hide from You? ||3||

qt qIrQ hm nv KMf dyKy ht ptx bwjwrw ] (156-13)
tat tirath ham nav khand daykhay hat patan baajaaraa.
I saw the banks of sacred rivers, the nine continents, the shops and bazaars of the cities.

lY kY qkVI qolix lwgw Gt hI mih vxjwrw ]4] (156-13)
lai kai takrhee tolan laagaa ghat hee meh vanjaaraa. ||4||
Taking the scale, the merchant begins to weigh his actions within his own heart. ||4||

jyqw smuMdu swgru nIir BirAw qyqy Aaugx hmwry ] (156-14)
jaytaa samund saagar neer bhari-aa taytay a-ugan hamaaray.
As the seas and the oceans are overflowing with water, so vast are my own sins.

dieAw krhu ikCu imhr aupwvhu fubdy pQr qwry ]5] (156-15)
da-i-aa karahu kichh mihar upaavhu dubday pathar taaray. ||5||
Please, shower me with Your Mercy, and take pity upon me. I am a sinking stone - please carry me across! ||5||

jIAVw Agin brwbir qpY BIqir vgY kwqI ] (156-15)
jee-arhaa agan baraabar tapai bheetar vagai kaatee.
My soul is burning like fire, and the knife is cutting deep.

pRxviq nwnku hukmu pCwxY suKu hovY idnu rwqI ]6]5]17] (156-16)
paranvat naanak hukam pachhaanai sukh hovai din raatee. ||6||5||17||
Prays Nanak, recognizing the Lord's Command, I am at peace, day and night. ||6||5||17||

gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 1 ] (156-16)
ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 1.
Gauree Bairaagan, First Mehl:

rYix gvweI soie kY idvsu gvwieAw Kwie ] (156-17)
rain gavaa-ee so-ay kai divas gavaa-i-aa khaa-ay.
The nights are wasted sleeping, and the days are wasted eating.

hIry jYsw jnmu hY kaufI bdly jwie ]1] (156-17)
heeray jaisaa janam hai ka-udee badlay jaa-ay. ||1||
Human life is such a precious jewel, but it is being lost in exchange for a mere shell. ||1||

nwmu n jwinAw rwm kw ] (156-17)
naam na jaani-aa raam kaa.
You do not know the Name of the Lord.

mUVy iPir pwCY pCuqwih ry ]1] rhwau ] (156-18)
moorhay fir paachhai pachhutaahi ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You fool - you shall regret and repent in the end! ||1||Pause||

Anqw Dnu DrxI Dry Anq n cwihAw jwie ] (156-18)
antaa Dhan Dharnee Dharay anat na chaahi-aa jaa-ay.
You bury your temporary wealth in the ground, but how can you love that which is temporary?

Anq kau cwhn jo gey sy Awey Anq gvwie ]2] (156-19)
anat ka-o chaahan jo ga-ay say aa-ay anat gavaa-ay. ||2||
Those who have departed, after craving for temporary wealth, have returned home without this temporary wealth. ||2||

Awpx lIAw jy imlY qw sBu ko BwgTu hoie ] (156-19)
aapan lee-aa jay milai taa sabh ko bhaagath ho-ay.
If people could gather it in by their own efforts, then everyone would be so lucky.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD