Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


eyk queI eyk queI ]2] (144-1)
ayk tu-ee ayk tu-ee. ||2||
You alone, Lord, You alone. ||2||

mÚ 1 ] (144-1)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

n dwdy idhMd AwdmI ] n spq jyr ijmI ] (144-1)
na daaday dihand aadmee. na sapat jayr jimee.
Neither the just, nor the generous, nor any humans at all, nor the seven realms beneath the earth, shall remain.

Asiq eyk idgir kueI ] (144-2)
asat ayk digar ku-ee.
The One Lord alone exists. Who else is there?

eyk queI eyk queI ]3] (144-2)
ayk tu-ee ayk tu-ee. ||3||
You alone, Lord, You alone. ||3||

mÚ 1 ] (144-2)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

n sUr sis mMflo ] n spq dIp nh jlo ] AMn paux iQru n kueI ] (144-2)
na soor sas mandlo. na sapat deep nah jalo. ann pa-un thir na ku-ee.
Neither the sun, nor the moon, nor the planets, nor the seven continents, nor the oceans, nor food, nor the wind-nothing is permanent.

eyku queI eyku queI ]4] (144-3)
ayk tu-ee ayk tu-ee. ||4||
You alone, Lord, You alone. ||4||

mÚ 1 ] (144-3)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

n irjku dsq Aw ksy ] (144-3)
na rijak dasat aa kasay.
Our sustenance is not in the hands of any person.

hmw rw eyku Aws vsy ] (144-3)
hamaa raa ayk aas vasay.
The hopes of all rest in the One Lord.

Asiq eyku idgr kueI ] (144-4)
asat ayk digar ku-ee.
The One Lord alone exists-who else is there?

eyk queI eyku queI ]5] (144-4)
ayk tu-ee ayk tu-ee. ||5||
You alone, Lord, You alone. ||5||

mÚ 1 ] (144-4)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

prMdey n igrwh jr ] (144-4)
paranday na giraah jar.
The birds have no money in their pockets.

drKq Awb Aws kr ] (144-5)
darkhat aab aas kar.
They place their hopes on trees and water.

idhMd sueI ] (144-5)
dihand su-ee.
He alone is the Giver.

eyk queI eyk queI ]6] (144-5)
ayk tu-ee ayk tu-ee. ||6||
You alone, Lord, You alone. ||6||

mÚ 1 ] (144-5)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

nwnk illwir iliKAw soie ] (144-5)
naanak lilaar likhi-aa so-ay.
O Nanak, that destiny which is pre-ordained and written on one's forehead

myit n swkY koie ] (144-6)
mayt na saakai ko-ay.
-no one can erase it.

klw DrY ihrY sueI ] (144-6)
kalaa Dharai hirai su-ee.
The Lord infuses strength, and He takes it away again.

eyku queI eyku queI ]7] (144-6)
ayk tu-ee ayk tu-ee. ||7||
You alone, O Lord, You alone. ||7||

pauVI ] (144-6)

scw qyrw hukmu gurmuiK jwixAw ] (144-6)
sachaa tayraa hukam gurmukh jaani-aa.
True is the Hukam of Your Command. To the Gurmukh, it is known.

gurmqI Awpu gvwie scu pCwixAw ] (144-7)
gurmatee aap gavaa-ay sach pachhaani-aa.
Through the Guru's Teachings, selfishness and conceit are eradicated, and the Truth is realized.

scu qyrw drbwru sbdu nIswixAw ] (144-7)
sach tayraa darbaar sabad neesaani-aa.
True is Your Court. It is proclaimed and revealed through the Word of the Shabad.

scw sbdu vIcwir sic smwixAw ] (144-8)
sachaa sabad veechaar sach samaani-aa.
Meditating deeply on the True Word of the Shabad, I have merged into the Truth.

mnmuK sdw kUiVAwr Brim BulwixAw ] (144-8)
manmukh sadaa koorhi-aar bharam bhoolaani-aa.
The self-willed manmukhs are always false; they are deluded by doubt.

ivstw AMdir vwsu swdu n jwixAw ] (144-8)
vistaa andar vaas saad na jaani-aa.
They dwell in manure, and they do not know the taste of the Name.

ivxu nwvY duKu pwie Awvx jwixAw ] (144-9)
vin naavai dukh paa-ay aavan jaani-aa.
Without the Name, they suffer the agonies of coming and going.

nwnk pwrKu Awip ijin Kotw Krw pCwixAw ]13] (144-9)
naanak paarakh aap jin khotaa kharaa pachhaani-aa. ||13||
O Nanak, the Lord Himself is the Appraiser, who distinguishes the counterfeit from the genuine. ||13||

sloku mÚ 1 ] (144-10)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

sIhw bwjw crgw kuhIAw eynw Kvwly Gwh ] (144-10)
seehaa baajaa chargaa kuhee-aa aynaa khavaalay ghaah.
Tigers, hawks, falcons and eagles-the Lord could make them eat grass.

Gwhu Kwin iqnw mwsu Kvwly eyih clwey rwh ] (144-10)
ghaahu khaan tinaa maas khavaalay ayhi chalaa-ay raah.
And those animals which eat grass-He could make them eat meat. He could make them follow this way of life.

ndIAw ivic itby dyKwly QlI kry Asgwh ] (144-11)
nadee-aa vich tibay daykhaalay thalee karay asgaah.
He could raise dry land from the rivers, and turn the deserts into bottomless oceans.

kIVw Qwip dyie pwiqswhI lskr kry suAwh ] (144-11)
keerhaa thaap day-ay paatisaahee laskar karay su-aah.
He could appoint a worm as king, and reduce an army to ashes.

jyqy jIA jIvih lY swhw jIvwly qw ik Aswh ] (144-12)
jaytay jee-a jeeveh lai saahaa jeevaalay taa ke asaah.
All beings and creatures live by breathing, but He could keep us alive, even without the breath.

nwnk ijau ijau scy BwvY iqau iqau dyie igrwh ]1] (144-12)
naanak ji-o ji-o sachay bhaavai ti-o ti-o day-ay giraah. ||1||
O Nanak, as it pleases the True Lord, He gives us sustenance. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (144-13)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

ieik mwshwrI ieik iqRxu Kwih ] (144-13)
ik maashaaree ik tarin khaahi.
Some eat meat, while others eat grass.

ieknw CqIh AMimRq pwih ] (144-13)
iknaa chhateeh amrit paahi.
Some have all the thirty-six varieties of delicacies,

ieik imtIAw mih imtIAw Kwih ] (144-14)
ik mitee-aa meh mitee-aa khaahi.
while others live in the dirt and eat mud.

ieik paux sumwrI paux sumwir ] (144-14)
ik pa-un sumaaree pa-un sumaar.
Some control the breath, and regulate their breathing.

ieik inrMkwrI nwm AwDwir ] (144-14)
ik nirankaaree naam aaDhaar.
Some live by the Support of the Naam, the Name of the Formless Lord.

jIvY dwqw mrY n koie ] (144-15)
jeevai daataa marai na ko-ay.
The Great Giver lives; no one dies.

nwnk muTy jwih nwhI min soie ]2] (144-15)
naanak muthay jaahi naahee man so-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, those who do not enshrine the Lord within their minds are deluded. ||2||

pauVI ] (144-15)

pUry gur kI kwr krim kmweIAY ] (144-16)
pooray gur kee kaar karam kamaa-ee-ai.
By the karma of good actions, some come to serve the Perfect Guru.

gurmqI Awpu gvwie nwmu iDAweIAY ] (144-16)
gurmatee aap gavaa-ay naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai.
Through the Guru's Teachings, some eliminate selfishness and conceit, and meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

dUjI kwrY lig jnmu gvweIAY ] (144-16)
doojee kaarai lag janam gavaa-ee-ai.
Undertaking any other task, they waste their lives in vain.

ivxu nwvY sB ivsu pYJY KweIAY ] (144-17)
vin naavai sabh vis paijhai khaa-ee-ai.
Without the Name, all that they wear and eat is poison.

scw sbdu swlwih sic smweIAY ] (144-17)
sachaa sabad saalaahi sach samaa-ee-ai.
Praising the True Word of the Shabad, they merge with the True Lord.

ivxu siqguru syvy nwhI suiK invwsu iPir iPir AweIAY ] (144-17)
vin satgur sayvay naahee sukh nivaas fir fir aa-ee-ai.
Without serving the True Guru, they do not obtain the home of peace; they are consigned to reincarnation, over and over again.

dunIAw KotI rwis kUVu kmweIAY ] (144-18)
dunee-aa khotee raas koorh kamaa-ee-ai.
Investing counterfeit capital, they earn only falsehood in the world.

nwnk scu Krw swlwih piq isau jweIAY ]14] (144-18)
naanak sach kharaa saalaahi pat si-o jaa-ee-ai. ||14||
O Nanak, singing the Praises of the Pure, True Lord, they depart with honor. ||14||

sloku mÚ 1 ] (144-19)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

quDu BwvY qw vwvih gwvih quDu BwvY jil nwvih ] (144-19)
tuDh bhaavai taa vaaveh gaavahi tuDh bhaavai jal naaveh.
When it pleases You, we play music and sing; when it pleases You, we bathe in water.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD