Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk DMnu sohwgxI ijn sh nwil ipAwru ]4]23]93] (51-1)
naanak Dhan sohaaganee jin sah naal pi-aar. ||4||23||93||
O Nanak, blessed are the happy soul-brides, who are in love with their Husband Lord. ||4||23||93||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 Gru 6 ] (51-2)
sireeraag mehlaa 5 ghar 6.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl, Sixth House:

krx kwrx eyku EhI ijin kIAw Awkwru ] (51-2)
karan kaaran ayk ohee jin kee-aa aakaar.
The One Lord is the Doer, the Cause of causes, who has created the creation.

iqsih iDAwvhu mn myry srb ko AwDwru ]1] (51-2)
tiseh Dhi-aavahu man mayray sarab ko aaDhaar. ||1||
Meditate on the One, O my mind, who is the Support of all. ||1||

gur ky crn mn mih iDAwie ] (51-3)
gur kay charan man meh Dhi-aa-ay.
Meditate within your mind on the Guru's Feet.

Coif sgl isAwxpw swic sbid ilv lwie ]1] rhwau ] (51-3)
chhod sagal si-aanpaa saach sabad liv laa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Give up all your clever mental tricks, and lovingly attune yourself to the True Word of the Shabad. ||1||Pause||

duKu klysu n Bau ibAwpY gur mMqRü ihrdY hoie ] (51-4)
dukh kalays na bha-o bi-aapai gur mantar hirdai ho-ay.
Suffering, agony and fear do not cling to one whose heart is filled with the GurMantra.

koit jqnw kir rhy gur ibnu qirE n koie ]2] (51-4)
kot jatnaa kar rahay gur bin tari-o na ko-ay. ||2||
Trying millions of things, people have grown weary, but without the Guru, none have been saved. ||2||

dyiK drsnu mnu swDwrY pwp sgly jwih ] (51-5)
daykh darsan man saDhaarai paap saglay jaahi.
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan, the mind is comforted and all sins depart.

hau iqn kY bilhwrxY ij gur kI pYrI pwih ]3] (51-5)
ha-o tin kai balihaarnai je gur kee pairee paahi. ||3||
I am a sacrifice to those who fall at the Feet of the Guru. ||3||

swDsMgiq min vsY swcu hir kw nwau ] (51-6)
saaDhsangat man vasai saach har kaa naa-o.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the True Name of the Lord comes to dwell in the mind.

sy vfBwgI nwnkw ijnw min iehu Bwau ]4]24]94] (51-6)
say vadbhaagee naankaa jinaa man ih bhaa-o. ||4||24||94||
Very fortunate are those, O Nanak, whose minds are filled with this love. ||4||24||94||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (51-7)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

sMic hir Dnu pUij siqguru Coif sgl ivkwr ] (51-7)
sanch har Dhan pooj satgur chhod sagal vikaar.
Gather in the Wealth of the Lord, worship the True Guru, and give up all your corrupt ways.

ijin qUM swij svwirAw hir ismir hoie auDwru ]1] (51-7)
jin tooN saaj savaari-aa har simar ho-ay uDhaar. ||1||
Meditate in remembrance on the Lord who created and adorned you, and you shall be saved. ||1||

jip mn nwmu eyku Apwru ] (51-8)
jap man naam ayk apaar.
O mind, chant the Name of the One, the Unique and Infinite Lord.

pRwn mnu qnu ijnih dIAw irdy kw AwDwru ]1] rhwau ] (51-8)
paraan man tan jineh dee-aa riday kaa aaDhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He gave you the praanaa, the breath of life, and your mind and body. He is the Support of the heart. ||1||Pause||

kwim k®oiD AhMkwir mwqy ivAwipAw sMswru ] (51-9)
kaam kroDh ahaNkaar maatay vi-aapi-aa sansaar.
The world is drunk, engrossed in sexual desire, anger and egotism.

pau sMq srxI lwgu crxI imtY dUKu AMDwru ]2] (51-9)
pa-o sant sarnee laag charnee mitai dookh anDhaar. ||2||
Seek the Sanctuary of the Saints, and fall at their feet; your suffering and darkness shall be removed. ||2||

squ sMqoKu dieAw kmwvY eyh krxI swr ] (51-10)
sat santokh da-i-aa kamaavai ayh karnee saar.
Practice truth, contentment and kindness; this is the most excellent way of life.

Awpu Coif sB hoie ryxw ijsu dyie pRBu inrMkwru ]3] (51-10)
aap chhod sabh ho-ay raynaa jis day-ay parabh nirankaar. ||3||
One who is so blessed by the Formless Lord God renounces selfishness, and becomes the dust of all. ||3||

jo dIsY so sgl qUMhY psirAw pwswru ] (51-11)
jo deesai so sagal tooNhai pasri-aa paasaar.
All that is seen is You, Lord, the expansion of the expanse.

khu nwnk guir Brmu kwitAw sgl bRhm bIcwru ]4]25]95] (51-11)
kaho naanak gur bharam kaati-aa sagal barahm beechaar. ||4||25||95||
Says Nanak, the Guru has removed my doubts; I recognize God in all. ||4||25||95||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (51-12)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

duik®q suik®q mMDy sMswru sglwxw ] (51-12)
dukarit sukarit manDhay sansaar saglaanaa.
The whole world is engrossed in bad deeds and good deeds.

duhhUM qy rhq Bgqu hY koeI ivrlw jwxw ]1] (51-13)
duhhooN tay rahat bhagat hai ko-ee virlaa jaanaa. ||1||
God's devotee is above both, but those who understand this are very rare. ||1||

Twkuru srby smwxw ] (51-13)
thaakur sarbay samaanaa.
Our Lord and Master is all-pervading everywhere.

ikAw khau suxau suAwmI qUM vf purKu sujwxw ]1] rhwau ] (51-13)
ki-aa kaha-o suna-o su-aamee tooN vad purakh sujaanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
What should I say, and what should I hear? O my Lord and Master, You are Great, All-powerful and All-knowing. ||1||Pause||

mwn AiBmwn mMDy so syvku nwhI ] (51-14)
maan abhimaan manDhay so sayvak naahee.
One who is influenced by praise and blame is not God's servant.

qq smdrsI sMqhu koeI koit mMDwhI ]2] (51-14)
tat samadrasee santahu ko-ee kot manDhaahee. ||2||
One who sees the essence of reality with impartial vision, O Saints, is very rare-one among millions. ||2||

khn khwvn iehu kIriq krlw ] (51-15)
kahan kahaavan ih keerat karlaa.
People talk on and on about Him; they consider this to be praise of God.

kQn khn qy mukqw gurmuiK koeI ivrlw ]3] (51-15)
kathan kahan tay muktaa gurmukh ko-ee virlaa. ||3||
But rare indeed is the Gurmukh, who is above this mere talk. ||3||

giq Aivgiq kCu ndir n AwieAw ] (51-16)
gat avigat kachh nadar na aa-i-aa.
He is not concerned with deliverance or bondage.

sMqn kI ryxu nwnk dwnu pwieAw ]4]26]96] (51-16)
santan kee rayn naanak daan paa-i-aa. ||4||26||96||
Nanak has obtained the gift of the dust of the feet of the Saints. ||4||26||96||

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 Gru 7 ] (51-17)
sireeraag mehlaa 5 ghar 7.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl, Seventh House:

qyrY BrosY ipAwry mY lwf lfwieAw ] (51-17)
tayrai bharosai pi-aaray mai laad ladaa-i-aa.
Relying on Your Mercy, Dear Lord, I have indulged in sensual pleasures.

BUlih cUkih bwirk qUM hir ipqw mwieAw ]1] (51-17)
bhooleh chookeh baarik tooN har pitaa maa-i-aa. ||1||
Like a foolish child, I have made mistakes. O Lord, You are my Father and Mother. ||1||

suhylw khnu khwvnu ] (51-17)
suhaylaa kahan kahaavan.
It is easy to speak and talk,

qyrw ibKmu Bwvnu ]1] rhwau ] (51-17)
tayraa bikham bhaavan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
but it is difficult to accept Your Will. ||1||Pause||

hau mwxu qwxu krau qyrw hau jwnau Awpw ] (51-17)
ha-o maan taan kara-o tayraa ha-o jaan-o aapaa.
I stand tall; You are my Strength. I know that You are mine.

sB hI miD sBih qy bwhir bymuhqwj bwpw ]2] (51-18)
sabh hee maDh sabheh tay baahar baymuhtaaj baapaa. ||2||
Inside of all, and outside of all, You are our Self-sufficient Father. ||2||

ipqw hau jwnau nwhI qyrI kvn jugqw ] (51-18)
pitaa ha-o jaan-o naahee tayree kavan jugtaa.
O Father, I do not know-how can I know Your Way?


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD