Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


shs isAwxp kir rhy min korY rMgu n hoie ] (40-1)
sahas si-aanap kar rahay man korai rang na ho-ay.
Thousands of clever mental tricks have been tried, but still, the raw and undisciplined mind does not absorb the Color of the Lord's Love.

kUiV kpit iknY n pwieE jo bIjY KwvY soie ]3] (40-1)
koorh kapat kinai na paa-i-o jo beejai khaavai so-ay. ||3||
By falsehood and deception, none have found Him. Whatever you plant, you shall eat. ||3||

sBnw qyrI Aws pRBu sB jIA qyry qUM rwis ] (40-2)
sabhnaa tayree aas parabh sabh jee-a tayray tooN raas.
O God, You are the Hope of all. All beings are Yours; You are the Wealth of all.

pRB quDhu KwlI ko nhI dir gurmuKw no swbwis ] (40-2)
parabh tuDhhu khaalee ko nahee dar gurmukhaa no saabaas.
O God, none return from You empty-handed; at Your Door, the Gurmukhs are praised and acclaimed.

ibKu Baujl fubdy kiF lY jn nwnk kI Ardwis ]4]1]65] (40-3)
bikh bha-ojal dubday kadh lai jan naanak kee ardaas. ||4||1||65||
In the terrifying world-ocean of poison, people are drowning-please lift them up and save them! This is servant Nanak's humble prayer. ||4||1||65||

isrIrwgu mhlw 4 ] (40-4)
sireeraag mehlaa 4.
Siree Raag, Fourth Mehl:

nwmu imlY mnu iqRpqIAY ibnu nwmY iDRgu jIvwsu ] (40-4)
naam milai man taripat-ee-ai bin naamai Dharig jeevaas.
Receiving the Naam, the mind is satisfied; without the Naam, life is cursed.

koeI gurmuiK sjxu jy imlY mY dsy pRBu guxqwsu ] (40-4)
ko-ee gurmukh sajan jay milai mai dasay parabh guntaas.
If I meet the Gurmukh, my Spiritual Friend, he will show me God, the Treasure of Excellence.

hau iqsu ivthu cau KMnIAY mY nwm kry prgwsu ]1] (40-5)
ha-o tis vitahu cha-o khannee-ai mai naam karay pargaas. ||1||
I am every bit a sacrifice to one who reveals to me the Naam. ||1||

myry pRIqmw hau jIvw nwmu iDAwie ] (40-5)
mayray pareetamaa ha-o jeevaa naam Dhi-aa-ay.
O my Beloved, I live by meditating on Your Name.

ibnu nwvY jIvxu nw QIAY myry siqgur nwmu idRVwie ]1] rhwau ] (40-6)
bin naavai jeevan naa thee-ai mayray satgur naam drirh-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without Your Name, my life does not even exist. My True Guru has implanted the Naam within me. ||1||Pause||

nwmu Amolku rqnu hY pUry siqgur pwis ] (40-6)
naam amolak ratan hai pooray satgur paas.
The Naam is a Priceless Jewel; it is with the Perfect True Guru.

siqgur syvY ligAw kiF rqnu dyvY prgwis ] (40-7)
satgur sayvai lagi-aa kadh ratan dayvai pargaas.
When one is enjoined to serve the True Guru, He brings out this Jewel and bestows this enlightenment.

DMnu vfBwgI vf BwgIAw jo Awie imly gur pwis ]2] (40-7)
Dhan vadbhaagee vad bhaagee-aa jo aa-ay milay gur paas. ||2||
Blessed, and most fortunate of the very fortunate, are those who come to meet the Guru. ||2||

ijnw siqguru purKu n ByitE sy BwghIx vis kwl ] (40-8)
jinaa satgur purakh na bhayti-o say bhaagheen vas kaal.
Those who have not met the Primal Being, the True Guru, are most unfortunate, and are subject to death.

Eie iPir iPir join BvweIAih ivic ivstw kir ivkrwl ] (40-8)
o-ay fir fir jon bhavaa-ee-ah vich vistaa kar vikraal.
They wander in reincarnation over and over again, as the most disgusting maggots in manure.

Enw pwis duAwis n iBtIAY ijn AMqir k®oDu cMfwl ]3] (40-9)
onaa paas du-aas na bhitee-ai jin antar kroDh chandaal. ||3||
Do not meet with, or even approach those people, whose hearts are filled with horrible anger. ||3||

siqguru purKu AMimRq sru vfBwgI nwvih Awie ] (40-10)
satgur purakh amrit sar vadbhaagee naaveh aa-ay.
The True Guru, the Primal Being, is the Pool of Ambrosial Nectar. The very fortunate ones come to bathe in it.

aun jnm jnm kI mYlu auqrY inrml nwmu idRVwie ] (40-10)
un janam janam kee mail utrai nirmal naam drirh-aa-ay.
The filth of many incarnations is washed away, and the Immaculate Naam is implanted within.

jn nwnk auqm pdu pwieAw siqgur kI ilv lwie ]4]2]66] (40-11)
jan naanak utam pad paa-i-aa satgur kee liv laa-ay. ||4||2||66||
Servant Nanak has obtained the most exalted state, lovingly attuned to the True Guru. ||4||2||66||

isrIrwgu mhlw 4 ] (40-12)
sireeraag mehlaa 4.
Siree Raag, Fourth Mehl:

gux gwvw gux ivQrw gux bolI myrI mwie ] (40-12)
gun gaavaa gun vithraa gun bolee mayree maa-ay.
I sing His Glories, I describe His Glories, I speak of His Glories, O my mother.

gurmuiK sjxu guxkwrIAw imil sjx hir gux gwie ] (40-12)
gurmukh sajan gunkaaree-aa mil sajan har gun gaa-ay.
The Gurmukhs, my spiritual friends, bestow virtue. Meeting with my spiritual friends, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

hIrY hIru imil byiDAw rMig clUlY nwie ]1] (40-13)
heerai heer mil bayDhi-aa rang chaloolai naa-ay. ||1||
The Diamond of the Guru has pierced the diamond of my mind, which is now dyed in the deep crimson color of the Name. ||1||

myry goivMdw gux gwvw iqRpiq min hoie ] (40-13)
mayray govindaa gun gaavaa taripat man ho-ay.
O my Lord of the Universe, singing Your Glorious Praises, my mind is satisfied.

AMqir ipAws hir nwm kI guru quis imlwvY soie ]1] rhwau ] (40-14)
antar pi-aas har naam kee gur tus milaavai so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Within me is the thirst for the Lord's Name; may the Guru, in His Pleasure, grant it to me. ||1||Pause||

mnu rMghu vfBwgIho guru quTw kry pswau ] (40-14)
man rangahu vadbhaageeho gur tuthaa karay pasaa-o.
Let your minds be imbued with His Love, O blessed and fortunate ones. By His Pleasure, the Guru bestows His Gifts.

guru nwmu idRVwey rMg isau hau siqgur kY bil jwau ] (40-15)
gur naam drirh-aa-ay rang si-o ha-o satgur kai bal jaa-o.
The Guru has lovingly implanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within me; I am a sacrifice to the True Guru.

ibnu siqgur hir nwmu n lBeI lK kotI krm kmwau ]2] (40-15)
bin satgur har naam na labh-ee lakh kotee karam kamaa-o. ||2||
Without the True Guru, the Name of the Lord is not found, even though people may perform hundreds of thousands, even millions of rituals. ||2||

ibnu Bwgw siqguru nw imlY Gir bYiTAw inkit inq pwis ] (40-16)
bin bhaagaa satgur naa milai ghar baithi-aa nikat nit paas.
Without destiny, the True Guru is not found, even though He sits within the home of our own inner being, always near and close at hand.

AMqir AigAwn duKu Brmu hY ivic pVdw dUir peIAwis ] (40-17)
antar agi-aan dukh bharam hai vich parh-daa door pa-ee-aas.
There is ignorance within, and the pain of doubt, like a separating screen.

ibnu siqgur Byty kMcnu nw QIAY mnmuKu lohu bUfw byVI pwis ]3] (40-17)
bin satgur bhaytay kanchan naa thee-ai manmukh lohu boodaa bayrhee paas. ||3||
Without meeting with the True Guru, no one is transformed into gold. The self-willed manmukh sinks like iron, while the boat is very close. ||3||

siqguru boihQu hir nwv hY ikqu ibiD ciVAw jwie ] (40-18)
satgur bohith har naav hai kit biDh charhi-aa jaa-ay.
The Boat of the True Guru is the Name of the Lord. How can we climb on board?

siqgur kY BwxY jo clY ivic boihQ bYTw Awie ] (40-18)
satgur kai bhaanai jo chalai vich bohith baithaa aa-ay.
One who walks in harmony with the True Guru's Will comes to sit in this Boat.

DMnu DMnu vfBwgI nwnkw ijnw siqguru ley imlwie ]4]3]67] (40-19)
Dhan Dhan vadbhaagee naankaa jinaa satgur la-ay milaa-ay. ||4||3||67||
Blessed, blessed are those very fortunate ones, O Nanak, who are united with the Lord through the True Guru. ||4||3||67||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD