Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mÚ 3 ] (1284-1)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

bwbIhw bynqI kry kir ikrpw dyhu jIA dwn ] (1284-1)
baabeehaa bayntee karay kar kirpaa dayh jee-a daan.
The rainbird prays: O Lord, grant Your Grace, and bless me with the gift of the life of the soul.

jl ibnu ipAws n aUqrY Cutik jWih myry pRwn ] (1284-1)
jal bin pi-aas na ootrai chhutak jaaNhi mayray paraan.
Without the water, my thirst is not quenched, and my breath of life is ended and gone.

qU suKdwqw byAMqu hY guxdwqw nyDwnu ] (1284-2)
too sukh-daata bay-ant hai gundaataa nayDhaan.
You are the Giver of peace, O Infinite Lord God; You are the Giver of the treasure of virtue.

nwnk gurmuiK bKis ley AMiq bylI hoie Bgvwnu ]2] (1284-2)
naanak gurmukh bakhas la-ay ant baylee ho-ay bhagvaan. ||2||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh is forgiven; in the end, the Lord God shall be your only friend. ||2||

pauVI ] (1284-3)

Awpy jgqu aupwie kY gux Aaugx kry bIcwru ] (1284-3)
aapay jagat upaa-ay kai gun a-ugan karay beechaar.
He created the world; He considers the merits and demerits of the mortals.

qRY gux srb jMjwlu hY nwim n Dry ipAwru ] (1284-4)
tarai gun sarab janjaal hai naam na Dharay pi-aar.
Those who are entangled in the three gunas - the three dispositions - do not love the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

gux Coif Aaugx kmwvdy drgh hoih KuAwru ] (1284-4)
gun chhod a-ugan kamaavday dargeh hohi khu-aar.
Forsaking virtue, they practice evil; they shall be miserable in the Court of the Lord.

jUAY jnmu iqnI hwirAw ikqu Awey sMswir ] (1284-5)
joo-ai janam tinee haari-aa kit aa-ay sansaar.
They lose their life in the gamble; why did they even come into the world?

scY sbid mnu mwirAw Aihinis nwim ipAwir ] (1284-5)
sachai sabad man maari-aa ahinis naam pi-aar.
But those who conquer and subdue their minds, through the True Word of the Shabad - night and day, they love the Naam.

ijnI purKI auir DwirAw scw AlK Apwru ] (1284-6)
jinee purkhee ur Dhaari-aa sachaa alakh apaar.
Those people enshrine the True, Invisible and Infinite Lord in their hearts.

qU guxdwqw inDwnu hih AsI AvgixAwr ] (1284-6)
too gundaataa niDhaan heh asee avgani-aar.
You, O Lord, are the Giver, the Treasure of virtue; I am unvirtuous and unworthy.

ijsu bKsy so pwiesI gur sbdI vIcwru ]13] (1284-7)
jis bakhsay so paa-isee gur sabdee veechaar. ||13||
He alone finds You, whom You bless and forgive, and inspire to contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||13||

slok mÚ 5 ] (1284-7)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

rwiq n ivhwvI swkqW ijn@w ivsrY nwau ] (1284-7)
raat na vihaavee saaktaaN jinHaa visrai naa-o.
The faithless cynics forget the Name of the Lord; the night of their lives does not pass in peace.

rwqI idns suhylIAw nwnk hir gux gWau ]1] (1284-8)
raatee dinas suhaylee-aa naanak har gun gaaN-o. ||1||
Their days and nights become comfortable, O Nanak, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (1284-8)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

rqn jvyhr mwxkw hBy mxI mQMin ] (1284-8)
ratan javayhar maankaa habhay manee mathann.
All sorts of jewels and gems, diamonds and rubies, shine forth from their foreheads.

nwnk jo pRiB BwixAw scY dir sohMin ]2] (1284-9)
naanak jo parabh bhaani-aa sachai dar sohann. ||2||
O Nanak, those who are pleasing to God, look beautiful in the Court of the Lord. ||2||

pauVI ] (1284-9)

scw siqguru syiv scu sm@wilAw ] (1284-9)
sachaa satgur sayv sach samHaali-aa.
Serving the True Guru, I dwell on the True Lord.

AMiq KloAw Awie ij siqgur AgY GwilAw ] (1284-10)
ant khalo-aa aa-ay je satgur agai ghaali-aa.
The work you have done for the True Guru shall be very useful in the end.

poih n skY jmkwlu scw rKvwilAw ] (1284-10)
pohi na sakai jamkaal sachaa rakhvaali-aa.
The Messenger of Death cannot even touch that person who is protected by the True Lord.

gur swKI joiq jgwie dIvw bwilAw ] (1284-11)
gur saakhee jot jagaa-ay deevaa baali-aa.
Lighting the lamp of the Guru's Teachings, my awareness has been awakened.

mnmuK ivxu nwvY kUiVAwr iPrih byqwilAw ] (1284-11)
manmukh vin naavai koorhi-aar fireh baytaali-aa.
The self-willed manmukhs are false; without the Name, they wander around like demons.

psU mwxs cMim plyty AMdrhu kwilAw ] (1284-11)
pasoo maanas chamm palaytay andrahu kaali-aa.
They are nothing more than beasts, wrapped up in human skin; they are black-hearted within.

sBo vrqY scu scY sbid inhwilAw ] (1284-12)
sabho vartai sach sachai sabad nihaali-aa.
The True Lord is pervading all; through the True Word of the Shabad, He is seen.

nwnk nwmu inDwnu hY pUrY guir dyKwilAw ]14] (1284-12)
naanak naam niDhaan hai poorai gur daykhaali-aa. ||14||
O Nanak, the Naam is the greatest treasure. The Perfect Guru has revealed it to me. ||14||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1284-13)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

bwbIhY hukmu pCwixAw gur kY shij suBwie ] (1284-13)
baabeehai hukam pachhaani-aa gur kai sahj subhaa-ay.
The rainbird realizes the Hukam of the Lord's Command with intuitive ease through the Guru.

myGu vrsY dieAw kir gUVI Chbr lwie ] (1284-14)
maygh varsai da-i-aa kar goorhee chhahbar laa-ay.
The clouds mercifully burst forth, and the rain pours down in torrents.

bwbIhy kUk pukwr rih geI suKu visAw min Awie ] (1284-14)
baabeehay kook pukaar reh ga-ee sukh vasi-aa man aa-ay.
The cries and wailings of the rainbird have ceased, and peace has come to abide in its mind.

nwnk so swlwhIAY ij dyNdw sBnW jIAw irjku smwie ]1] (1284-15)
naanak so salaahee-ai je dayNdaa sabhnaaN jee-aa rijak samaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, praise that Lord, who reaches out and gives sustenance to all beings and creatures. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1284-15)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

cwiqRk qU n jwxhI ikAw quDu ivic iqKw hY ikqu pIqY iqK jwie ] (1284-15)
chaatrik too na jaanhee ki-aa tuDh vich tikhaa hai kit peetai tikh jaa-ay.
O rainbird, you do not know what thirst is within you, or what you can drink to quench it.

dUjY Bwie BrMimAw AMimRq jlu plY n pwie ] (1284-16)
doojai bhaa-ay bharammi-aa amrit jal palai na paa-ay.
You wander in the love of duality, and you do not obtain the Ambrosial Water.

ndir kry jy AwpxI qW siqguru imlY suBwie ] (1284-17)
nadar karay jay aapnee taaN satgur milai subhaa-ay.
When God casts His Glance of Grace, then the mortal automatically meets the True Guru.

nwnk siqgur qy AMimRq jlu pwieAw shjy rihAw smwie ]2] (1284-17)
naanak satgur tay amrit jal paa-i-aa sehjay rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, the Ambrosial Water is obtained from the True Guru, and then the mortal remains merged in the Lord with intuitive ease. ||2||

pauVI ] (1284-18)

ieik vx KMif bYsih jwie sdu n dyvhI ] (1284-18)
ik van khand baiseh jaa-ay sad na dayvhee.
Some go and sit in the forest realms, and do not answer any calls.

ieik pwlw kkru BMin sIqlu jlu hyNvhI ] (1284-18)
ik paalaa kakar bhann seetal jal hayNvahee.
Some, in the dead of winter, break the ice and immerse themselves in freezing water.

ieik Bsm cV@wvih AMig mYlu n DovhI ] (1284-19)
ik bhasam charhHaavahi ang mail na Dhovhee.
Some rub ashes on their bodies, and never wash off their dirt.

ieik jtw ibkt ibkrwl kulu Gru KovhI ] (1284-19)
ik jataa bikat bikraal kul ghar khovhee.
Some look hideous, with their uncut hair matted and dishevelled. They bring dishonor to their family and ancestry.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD