Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hir ismir eykMkwru swcw sBu jgqu ijMin aupwieAw ] (1113-1)
har simar aykankaar saachaa sabh jagat jinn upaa-i-aa.
Meditate in remembrance on the One Universal Creator; the True Lord created the entire Universe.

pauxu pwxI Agin bwDy guir Kylu jgiq idKwieAw ] (1113-2)
pa-un paanee agan baaDhay gur khayl jagat dikhaa-i-aa.
The Guru controls the air, water and fire; He has staged the drama of the world.

Awcwir qU vIcwir Awpy hir nwmu sMjm jp qpo ] (1113-2)
aachaar too veechaar aapay har naam sanjam jap tapo.
Reflect on your own self, and so practice good conduct; chant the Name of the Lord as your self-discipline and meditation.

sKw sYnu ipAwru pRIqmu nwmu hir kw jpu jpo ]2] (1113-3)
sakhaa sain pi-aar pareetam naam har kaa jap japo. ||2||
The Name of the Lord is your Companion, Friend and Dear Beloved; chant it, and meditate on it. ||2||

ey mn myirAw qU iQru rhu cot n KwvhI rwm ] (1113-3)
ay man mayri-aa too thir rahu chot na khaavhee raam.
O my mind, remain steady and stable, and you will not have to endure beatings.

ey mn myirAw gux gwvih shij smwvhI rwm ] (1113-4)
ay man mayri-aa gun gaavahi sahj samaavahee raam.
O my mind, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, you shall merge into Him with intuitive ease.

gux gwie rwm rswie rsIAih gur igAwn AMjnu swrhy ] (1113-4)
gun gaa-ay raam rasaa-ay rasee-ah gur gi-aan anjan saarhay.
Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, be happy. Apply the ointment of spiritual wisdom to your eyes.

qRY lok dIpku sbid cwnxu pMc dUq sMGwrhy ] (1113-5)
tarai lok deepak sabad chaanan panch doot sanghaarahay.
The Word of the Shabad is the lamp which illuminates the three worlds; it slaughters the five demons.

BY kwit inrBau qrih duqru guir imilAY kwrj swrey ] (1113-5)
bhai kaat nirbha-o tareh dutar gur mili-ai kaaraj saar-ay.
Quieting your fears, become fearless, and you shall cross over the impassible world ocean. Meeting the Guru, your affairs shall be resolved.

rUpu rMgu ipAwru hir isau hir Awip ikrpw Dwrey ]3] (1113-6)
roop rang pi-aar har si-o har aap kirpaa Dhaar-ay. ||3||
You shall find the joy and the beauty of the Lord's Love and Affection; the Lord Himself shall shower you with His Grace. ||3||

ey mn myirAw qU ikAw lY AwieAw ikAw lY jwiesI rwm ] (1113-6)
ay man mayri-aa too ki-aa lai aa-i-aa ki-aa lai jaa-isee raam.
O my mind, why did you come into the world? What will you take with you when you go?

ey mn myirAw qw CutsI jw Brmu cukwiesI rwm ] (1113-7)
ay man mayri-aa taa chhutsee jaa bharam chukaa-isee raam.
O my mind, you shall be emancipated, when you eliminate your doubts.

Dnu sMic hir hir nwm vKru gur sbid Bwau pCwxhy ] (1113-8)
Dhan sanch har har naam vakhar gur sabad bhaa-o pachhaanahay.
So gather the wealth and capital of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, you shall realize its value.

mYlu prhir sbid inrmlu mhlu Gru scu jwxhy ] (1113-8)
mail parhar sabad nirmal mahal ghar sach jaanhay.
Filth shall be taken away, through the Immaculate Word of the Shabad; you shall know the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, your true home.

piq nwmu pwvih Gir isDwvih Joil AMimRq pI rso ] (1113-9)
pat naam paavahi ghar siDhaaveh jhol amrit pee raso.
Through the Naam, you shall obtain honor, and come home. Eagerly drink in the Ambrosial Amrit.

hir nwmu iDAweIAY sbid rsu pweIAY vfBwig jpIAY hir jso ]4] (1113-9)
har naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai sabad ras paa-ee-ai vadbhaag japee-ai har jaso. ||4||
Meditate on the Lord's Name, and you shall obtain the sublime essence of the Shabad; by great good fortune, chant the Praises of the Lord. ||4||

ey mn myirAw ibnu pauVIAw mMdir ikau cVY rwm ] (1113-10)
ay man mayri-aa bin pa-urhee-aa mandar ki-o charhai raam.
O my mind, without a ladder, how will you climb up to the Temple of the Lord?

ey mn myirAw ibnu byVI pwir n AMbVY rwm ] (1113-11)
ay man mayri-aa bin bayrhee paar na ambrhai raam.
O my mind, without a boat, you shall not reach the other shore.

pwir swjnu Apwru pRIqmu gur sbd suriq lµGwvey ] (1113-11)
paar saajan apaar pareetam gur sabad surat langhaava-ay.
On that far shore is Your Beloved, Infinite Friend. Only your awareness of the Guru's Shabad will carry you across.

imil swDsMgiq krih rlIAw iPir n pCoqwvey ] (1113-12)
mil saaDhsangat karahi ralee-aa fir na pachhotaava-ay.
Join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and you shall enjoy ecstasy; you shall not regret or repent later on.

kir dieAw dwnu dieAwl swcw hir nwm sMgiq pwvE ] (1113-12)
kar da-i-aa daan da-i-aal saachaa har naam sangat paava-o.
Be Merciful, O Merciful True Lord God: please give me the Blessing of the Lord's Name, and the Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

nwnku pieAMpY suxhu pRIqm gur sbid mnu smJwvE ]5]6] (1113-13)
naanak pa-i-ampai sunhu pareetam gur sabad man sanjhaava-o. ||5||6||
Nanak prays: please hear me, O my Beloved; instruct my mind through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||5||6||

quKwrI CMq mhlw 4 (1113-15)
tukhaaree chhant mehlaa 4
Tukhaari Chhant, Fourth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1113-15)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

AMqir iprI ipAwru ikau ipr ibnu jIvIAY rwm ] (1113-16)
antar piree pi-aar ki-o pir bin jeevee-ai raam.
My inner being is filled with love for my Beloved Husband Lord. How can I live without Him?

jb lgu drsu n hoie ikau AMimRqu pIvIAY rwm ] (1113-16)
jab lag daras na ho-ay ki-o amrit peevee-ai raam.
As long as I do not have the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, how can I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar?

ikau AMimRqu pIvIAY hir ibnu jIvIAY iqsu ibnu rhnu n jwey ] (1113-17)
ki-o amrit peevee-ai har bin jeevee-ai tis bin rahan na jaa-ay.
How can I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar without the Lord? I cannot survive without Him.

Anidnu ipRau ipRau kry idnu rwqI ipr ibnu ipAws n jwey ] (1113-17)
an-din pari-o pari-o karay din raatee pir bin pi-aas na jaa-ay.
Night and day, I cry out, "Pri-o! Pri-o! Beloved! Beloved!", day and night. Without my Husband Lord, my thirst is not quenched.

ApxI ik®pw krhu hir ipAwry hir hir nwmu sd swirAw ] (1113-18)
apnee kirpaa karahu har pi-aaray har har naam sad saari-aa.
Please, bless me with Your Grace, O my Beloved Lord, that I may dwell on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, forever.

gur kY sbid imilAw mY pRIqmu hau siqgur ivthu vwirAw ]1] (1113-19)
gur kai sabad mili-aa mai pareetam ha-o satgur vitahu vaari-aa. ||1||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I have met my Beloved; I am a sacrifice to the True Guru. ||1||

jb dyKW ipru ipAwrw hir gux ris rvw rwm ] (1113-19)
jab daykhaaN pir pi-aaraa har gun ras ravaa raam.
When I see my Beloved Husband Lord, I chant the Lord's Glorious Praises with love.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD