Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


imil sqsMgiq prm pdu pwieAw mY ihrf plws sMig hir buhIAw ]1] (834-1)
mil satsangat param pad paa-i-aa mai hirad palaas sang har buhee-aa. ||1||
Joining the Society of the Saints, I have obtained the supreme status. I am just a castor-oil tree, made fragrant by their association. ||1||

jip jgMnwQ jgdIs guseIAw ] (834-1)
jap jagannaath jagdees gus-ee-aa.
Meditate on the Lord of the Universe, the Master of the world, the Lord of creation.

srix pry syeI jn aubry ijau pRihlwd auDwir smeIAw ]1] rhwau ] (834-2)
saran paray say-ee jan ubray ji-o par-hilaad uDhaar sama-ee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those humble beings who seek the Lord's Sanctuary are saved, like Prahlaad; they are emancipated and merge with the Lord. ||1||Pause||

Bwr ATwrh mih cMdnu aUqm cMdn inkit sB cMdnu hueIAw ] (834-2)
bhaar athaarah meh chandan ootam chandan nikat sabh chandan hu-ee-aa.
Of all plants, the sandalwood tree is the most sublime. Everything near the sandalwood tree becomes fragrant like sandalwood.

swkq kUVy aUB suk hUey min AiBmwnu ivCuiV dUir geIAw ]2] (834-3)
saakat koorhay oobh suk hoo-ay man abhimaan vichhurh door ga-ee-aa. ||2||
The stubborn, false faithless cynics are dried up; their egotistical pride separates them far from the Lord. ||2||

hir giq imiq krqw Awpy jwxY sB ibiD hir hir Awip bneIAw ] (834-4)
har gat mit kartaa aapay jaanai sabh biDh har har aap bana-ee-aa.
Only the Creator Lord Himself knows the state and condition of everyone; the Lord Himself makes all the arrangements.

ijsu siqguru Byty su kMcnu hovY jo Duir iliKAw su imtY n imteIAw ]3] (834-4)
jis satgur bhaytay so kanchan hovai jo Dhur likhi-aa so mitai na mita-ee-aa. ||3||
One who meets the True Guru is transformed into gold. Whatever is pre-ordained, is not erased by erasing. ||3||

rqn pdwrQ gurmiq pwvY swgr Bgiq BMfwr Kul@eIAw ] (834-5)
ratan padaarath gurmat paavai saagar bhagat bhandaar khulH-ee-aa.
The treasure of jewels is found in the ocean of the Guru's Teachings. The treasure of devotional worship is opened to me.

gur crxI iek srDw aupjI mY hir gux khqy iqRpiq n BeIAw ]4] (834-6)
gur charnee ik sarDhaa upjee mai har gun kahtay taripat na bha-ee-aa. ||4||
Focused on the Guru's Feet, faith wells up within me; chanting the Glorious Praises of the Lord, I hunger for more. ||4||

prm bYrwgu inq inq hir iDAwey mY hir gux khqy BwvnI khIAw ] (834-7)
param bairaag nit nit har Dhi-aa-ay mai har gun kahtay bhaavnee kahee-aa.
I am totally detached, continually, continuously meditating on the Lord; chanting the Glorious Praises of the Lord, I express my love for Him.

bwr bwr iKnu iKnu plu khIAY hir pwru n pwvY prY preIAw ]5] (834-7)
baar baar khin khin pal kahee-ai har paar na paavai parai para-ee-aa. ||5||
Time and time again, each and every moment and instant, I express it. I cannot find the Lord's limits; He is the farthest of the far. ||5||

swsq byd purwx pukwrih Drmu krhu Ktu krm idRVeIAw ] (834-8)
saasat bayd puraan pukaareh Dharam karahu khat karam darirha-ee-aa.
The Shaastras, the Vedas and the Puraanas advise righteous actions, and the performance of the six religious rituals.

mnmuK pwKMif Brim ivgUqy loB lhir nwv Bwir bufeIAw ]6] (834-9)
manmukh pakhand bharam vigootay lobh lahar naav bhaar buda-ee-aa. ||6||
The hypocritical, self-willed manmukhs are ruined by doubt; in the waves of greed, their boat is heavily loaded, and it sinks. ||6||

nwmu jphu nwmy giq pwvhu isimRiq swsqR nwmu idRVeIAw ] (834-9)
naam japahu naamay gat paavhu simrit saastar naam darirh-ee-aa.
So chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and through the Naam, find emancipation. The Simritees and Shaastras recommend the Naam.

haumY jwie q inrmlu hovY gurmuiK prcY prm pdu peIAw ]7] (834-10)
ha-umai jaa-ay ta nirmal hovai gurmukh parchai param pad pa-ee-aa. ||7||
Eradicating egotism, one becomes pure. The Gurmukh is inspired, and obtains the supreme status. ||7||

iehu jgu vrnu rUpu sBu qyrw ijqu lwvih sy krm kmeIAw ] (834-11)
ih jag varan roop sabh tayraa jit laaveh say karam kama-ee-aa.
This world, with its colors and forms, is all Yours, O Lord; as You attach us, so do we do our deeds.

nwnk jMq vjwey vwjih ijqu BwvY iqqu rwih cleIAw ]8]2]5] (834-11)
naanak jant vajaa-ay vaajeh jit bhaavai tit raahi chala-ee-aa. ||8||2||5||
O Nanak, we are the instruments upon which He plays; as He wills, so is the path we take. ||8||2||5||

iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] (834-12)
bilaaval mehlaa 4.
Bilaaval, Fourth Mehl:

gurmuiK Agm Agocru iDAwieAw hau bil bil siqgur siq purKeIAw ] (834-12)
gurmukh agam agochar Dhi-aa-i-aa ha-o bal bal satgur sat purkha-ee-aa.
The Gurmukh meditates on the Inaccessible, Unfathomable Lord. I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to the True Guru, the True Primal Being.

rwm nwmu myrY pRwix vswey siqgur pris hir nwim smeIAw ]1] (834-13)
raam naam mayrai paraan vasaa-ay satgur paras har naam sama-ee-aa. ||1||
He has brought the Lord's Name to dwell upon my breath of life; meeting with the True Guru, I am absorbed into the Lord's Name. ||1||

jn kI tyk hir nwmu itkeIAw ] (834-14)
jan kee tayk har naam tika-ee-aa.
The Name of the Lord is the only Support of His humble servants.

siqgur kI Dr lwgw jwvw gur ikrpw qy hir dru lhIAw ]1] rhwau ] (834-14)
satgur kee Dhar laagaa jaavaa gur kirpaa tay har dar lahee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I shall live under the protection of the True Guru. By Guru's Grace, I shall attain the Court of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

iehu srIru krm kI DrqI gurmuiK miQ miQ qqu kFeIAw ] (834-15)
ih sareer karam kee Dhartee gurmukh math math tat kadha-ee-aa.
This body is the field of karma; the Gurmukhs plow and work it, and harvest the essence.

lwlu jvyhr nwmu pRgwisAw BWfY Bwau pvY iqqu AeIAw ]2] (834-16)
laal javayhar naam pargaasi-aa bhaaNdai bhaa-o pavai tit a-ee-aa. ||2||
The priceless jewel of the Naam becomes manifest, and it pours into their vessels of love. ||2||

dwsin dws dws hoie rhIAY jo jn rwm Bgq inj BeIAw ] (834-16)
daasan daas daas ho-ay rahee-ai jo jan raam bhagat nij bha-ee-aa.
Become the slave of the slave of the slave, of that humble being who has become the devotee of the Lord.

mnu buiD Arip Drau gur AwgY gur prswdI mY AkQu kQeIAw ]3] (834-17)
man buDh arap Dhara-o gur aagai gur parsaadee mai akath katha-ee-aa. ||3||
I dedicate my mind and intellect, and place them in offering before my Guru; by Guru's Grace, I speak the Unspoken. ||3||

mnmuK mwieAw moih ivAwpy iehu mnu iqRsnw jlq iqKeIAw ] (834-18)
manmukh maa-i-aa mohi vi-aapay ih man tarisnaa jalat tikha-ee-aa.
The self-willed manmukhs are engrossed in attachment to Maya; their minds are thirsty, burning with desire.

gurmiq nwmu AMimRq jlu pwieAw Agin buJI gur sbid buJeIAw ]4] (834-18)
gurmat naam amrit jal paa-i-aa agan bujhee gur sabad bujha-ee-aa. ||4||
Following the Guru's Teachings, I have obtained the Ambrosial Water of the Naam, and the fire has been put out. The Word of the Guru's Shabad has put it out. ||4||

iehu mnu nwcY siqgur AwgY Anhd sbd Duin qUr vjeIAw ] (834-19)
ih man naachai satgur aagai anhad sabad Dhun toor vaja-ee-aa.
This mind dances before the True Guru. The unstruck sound current of the Shabad resounds, vibrating the celestial melody.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD