Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


rwjn ikau soieAw qU nId Bry jwgq kq nwhI rwm ] (548-1)
raajan ki-o so-i-aa too need bharay jaagat kat naahee raam.
O king, why are you sleeping? Why don't you wake up to reality?

mwieAw JUTu rudnu kyqy ibllwhI rwm ] (548-1)
maa-i-aa jhooth rudan kaytay billaahee raam.
It is useless to cry and whine about Maya, but so many cry out and bewail.

ibllwih kyqy mhw mohn ibnu nwm hir ky suKu nhI ] (548-2)
billaahi kaytay mahaa mohan bin naam har kay sukh nahee.
So many cry out for Maya, the great enticer, but without the Name of the Lord, there is no peace.

shs isAwxp aupwv Qwky jh Bwvq qh jwhI ] (548-2)
sahas si-aanap upaav thaakay jah bhaavat tah jaahee.
Thousands of clever tricks and efforts will not succeed. One goes wherever the Lord wills him to go.

Awid AMqy miD pUrn srbqR Git Git AwhI ] (548-3)
aad antay maDh pooran sarbatar ghat ghat aahee.
In the beginning, in the middle, and in the end, He is all-pervading everywhere; He is in each and every heart.

ibnvMq nwnk ijn swDsMgmu sy piq syqI Gir jwhI ]2] (548-3)
binvant naanak jin saaDhsangam say pat saytee ghar jaahee. ||2||
Prays Nanak, those who join the Saadh Sangat go to the house of the Lord with honor. ||2||

nrpiq jwix gRihE syvk isAwxy rwm ] (548-4)
narpat jaan garahi-o sayvak si-aanay raam.
O king of mortals, know that your palaces and wise servants shall be of no use in the end.

srpr vICuVxw mohy pCuqwxy rwm ] (548-4)
sarpar veechhurhanaa mohay pachhutaanay raam.
You shall certainly have to separate yourself from them, and their attachment shall make you feel regret.

hircMdaurI dyiK BUlw khw AsiQiq pweIAY ] (548-5)
harichand-uree daykh bhoolaa kahaa asthit paa-ee-ai.
Beholding the phantom city, you have gone astray; how can you now find stability?

ibnu nwm hir ky Awn rcnw Aihlw jnmu gvweIAY ] (548-5)
bin naam har kay aan rachnaa ahilaa janam gavaa-ee-ai.
Absorbed in things other than the Name of the Lord, this human life is wasted in vain.

hau hau krq n iqRsn bUJY nh kWm pUrn igAwny ] (548-6)
ha-o ha-o karat na tarisan boojhai nah kaaNm pooran gi-aanay.
Indulging in egotistical actions, your thirst is not quenched. Your desires are not fulfilled, and you do not attain spiritual wisdom.

ibnvMiq nwnk ibnu nwm hir ky kyiqAw pCuqwny ]3] (548-7)
binvant naanak bin naam har kay kayti-aa pachhutaanay. ||3||
Prays Nanak, without the Name of the Lord, so many have departed with regret. ||3||

Dwir AnugRho Apnw kir lInw rwm ] (548-7)
Dhaar anugraho apnaa kar leenaa raam.
Showering His blessings, the Lord has made me His own.

Bujw gih kwiF lIE swDU sMgu dInw rwm ] (548-8)
bhujaa geh kaadh lee-o saaDhoo sang deenaa raam.
Grasping me by the arm, He has pulled me out of the mud, and He has blessed me with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

swDsMgim hir ArwDy sgl klml duK jly ] (548-8)
saaDhsangam har araaDhay sagal kalmal dukh jalay.
Worshipping the Lord in the Saadh Sangat, all my sins and sufferings are burnt away.

mhw Drm sudwn ikirAw sMig qyrY sy cly ] (548-9)
mahaa Dharam sudaan kiri-aa sang tayrai say chalay.
This is the greatest religion, and the best act of charity; this alone shall go along with you.

rsnw ArwDY eyku suAwmI hir nwim mnu qnu BInw ] (548-9)
rasnaa araaDhai ayk su-aamee har naam man tan bheenaa.
My tongue chants in adoration the Name of the One Lord and Master; my mind and body are drenched in the Lord's Name.

nwnk ijs no hir imlwey so srb gux prbInw ]4]6]9] (548-10)
naanak jis no har milaa-ay so sarab gun parbeenaa. ||4||6||9||
O Nanak, whoever the Lord unites with Himself, is filled with all virtues. ||4||6||9||

ibhwgVy kI vwr mhlw 4 (548-11)
bihaagarhay kee vaar mehlaa 4
Vaar Of Bihaagraa, Fourth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (548-11)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

slok mÚ 3 ] (548-12)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

gur syvw qy suKu pweIAY hor QY suKu n Bwil ] (548-12)
gur sayvaa tay sukh paa-ee-ai hor thai sukh na bhaal.
Serving the Guru, peace is obtained; do not search for peace anywhere else.

gur kY sbid mnu BydIAY sdw vsY hir nwil ] (548-12)
gur kai sabad man bhaydee-ai sadaa vasai har naal.
The soul is pierced by the Word of the Guru's Shabad. The Lord dwells ever with the soul.

nwnk nwmu iqnw kau imlY ijn hir vyKY ndir inhwil ]1] (548-13)
naanak naam tinaa ka-o milai jin har vaykhai nadar nihaal. ||1||
O Nanak, they alone obtain the Naam, the Name of the Lord, who are blessed by the Lord with His Glance of Grace. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (548-13)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

isPiq Kjwnw bKs hY ijsu bKsY so KrcY Kwie ] (548-13)
sifat khajaanaa bakhas hai jis bakhsai so kharchai khaa-ay.
The treasure of the Lord's Praise is such a blessed gift; he alone obtains it to spend, unto whom the Lord bestows it.

siqgur ibnu hiQ n AwveI sB Qky krm kmwie ] (548-14)
satgur bin hath na aavee sabh thakay karam kamaa-ay.
Without the True Guru, it does not come to hand; all have grown weary of performing religious rituals.

nwnk mnmuKu jgqu DnhIxu hY AgY BuKw ik Kwie ]2] (548-15)
naanak manmukh jagat Dhanheen hai agai bhukhaa ke khaa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, the self-willed manmukhs of the world lack this wealth; when they are hungry in the next world, what will they have to eat there? ||2||

pauVI ] (548-15)

sB qyrI qU sBs dw sB quDu aupwieAw ] (548-15)
sabh tayree too sabhas daa sabh tuDh upaa-i-aa.
All are Yours, and You belong to all. You created all.

sBnw ivic qU vrqdw qU sBnI iDAwieAw ] (548-16)
sabhnaa vich too varatdaa too sabhnee Dhi-aa-i-aa.
You are pervading within all - all meditate on You.

iqs dI qU Bgiq Qwie pwieih jo quDu min BwieAw ] (548-16)
tis dee too bhagat thaa-ay paa-ihi jo tuDh man bhaa-i-aa.
You accept the devotional worship of those who are pleasing to Your Mind.

jo hir pRB BwvY so QIAY siB krin qyrw krwieAw ] (548-17)
jo har parabh bhaavai so thee-ai sabh karan tayraa karaa-i-aa.
Whatever pleases the Lord God happens; all act as You cause them to act.

slwihhu hir sBnw qy vfw jo sMq jnW kI pYj rKdw AwieAw ]1] (548-17)
salaahihu har sabhnaa tay vadaa jo sant janaaN kee paij rakh-daa aa-i-aa. ||1||
Praise the Lord, the greatest of all; He preserves the honor of the Saints. ||1||

slok mÚ 3 ] (548-18)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

nwnk igAwnI jgu jIqw jig jIqw sBu koie ] (548-18)
naanak gi-aanee jag jeetaa jag jeetaa sabh ko-ay.
O Nanak, the spiritually wise one has conquered all others.

nwmy kwrj isiD hY shjy hoie su hoie ] (548-19)
naamay kaaraj siDh hai sehjay ho-ay so ho-ay.
Through the Name, his affairs are brought to perfection; whatever happens is by His Will.

gurmiq miq Aclu hY clwie n skY koie ] (548-19)
gurmat mat achal hai chalaa-ay na sakai ko-ay.
Under Guru's Instruction, his mind is held steady; no one can make him waver.

Bgqw kw hir AMgIkwru kry kwrju suhwvw hoie ] (548-19)
bhagtaa kaa har angeekaar karay kaaraj suhaavaa ho-ay.
The Lord makes His devotee His own, and his affairs are adjusted.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD