Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mhlw 2 ] (463-1)
mehlaa 2.
Second Mehl:

jy sau cMdw augvih sUrj cVih hjwr ] (463-1)
jay sa-o chandaa ugvahi sooraj charheh hajaar.
If a hundred moons were to rise, and a thousand suns appeared,

eyqy cwnx hoidAW gur ibnu Gor AMDwr ]2] (463-1)
aytay chaanan hidi-aaN gur bin ghor anDhaar. ||2||
even with such light, there would still be pitch darkness without the Guru. ||2||

mÚ 1 ] (463-2)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

nwnk gurU n cyqnI min AwpxY sucyq ] (463-2)
naanak guroo na chaytnee man aapnai suchayt.
O Nanak, those who do not think of the Guru, and who think of themselves as clever,

Cuty iql bUAwV ijau suM\y AMdir Kyq ] (463-2)
chhutay til boo-aarh ji-o sunjay andar khayt.
shall be left abandoned in the field, like the scattered sesame.

KyqY AMdir CuitAw khu nwnk sau nwh ] (463-3)
khaytai andar chhuti-aa kaho naanak sa-o naah.
They are abandoned in the field, says Nanak, and they have a hundred masters to please.

PlIAih PulIAih bpuVy BI qn ivic suAwh ]3] (463-3)
falee-ah fulee-ah bapurhay bhee tan vich su-aah. ||3||
The wretches bear fruit and flower, but within their bodies, they are filled with ashes. ||3||

pauVI ] (463-4)

AwpIn@Y Awpu swijE AwpIn@Y ricE nwau ] (463-4)
aapeenHai aap saaji-o aapeenHai rachi-o naa-o.
He Himself created Himself; He Himself assumed His Name.

duXI kudriq swjIAY kir Awsxu ifTo cwau ] (463-4)
duyee kudrat saajee-ai kar aasan ditho chaa-o.
Secondly, He fashioned the creation; seated within the creation, He beholds it with delight.

dwqw krqw Awip qUM quis dyvih krih pswau ] (463-5)
daataa kartaa aap tooN tus dayveh karahi pasaa-o.
You Yourself are the Giver and the Creator; by Your Pleasure, You bestow Your Mercy.

qUM jwxoeI sBsY dy lYsih ijMdu kvwau ] (463-5)
tooN jaano-ee sabhsai day laisahi jind kavaa-o.
You are the Knower of all; You give life, and take it away again with a word.

kir Awsxu ifTo cwau ]1] (463-5)
kar aasan ditho chaa-o. ||1||
Seated within the creation, You behold it with delight. ||1||

sloku mÚ 1 ] (463-6)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

scy qyry KMf scy bRhmMf ] (463-6)
sachay tayray khand sachay barahmand.
True are Your worlds, True are Your solar Systems.

scy qyry loA scy Awkwr ] (463-6)
sachay tayray lo-a sachay aakaar.
True are Your realms, True is Your creation.

scy qyry krxy srb bIcwr ] (463-6)
sachay tayray karnay sarab beechaar.
True are Your actions, and all Your deliberations.

scw qyrw Amru scw dIbwxu ] (463-7)
sachaa tayraa amar sachaa deebaan.
True is Your Command, and True is Your Court.

scw qyrw hukmu scw Purmwxu ] (463-7)
sachaa tayraa hukam sachaa furmaan.
True is the Command of Your Will, True is Your Order.

scw qyrw krmu scw nIswxu ] (463-7)
sachaa tayraa karam sachaa neesaan.
True is Your Mercy, True is Your Insignia.

scy quDu AwKih lK kroiV ] (463-8)
sachay tuDh aakhahi lakh karorh.
Hundreds of thousands and millions call You True.

scY siB qwix scY siB joir ] (463-8)
sachai sabh taan sachai sabh jor.
In the True Lord is all power, in the True Lord is all might.

scI qyrI isPiq scI swlwh ] (463-8)
sachee tayree sifat sachee saalaah.
True is Your Praise, True is Your Adoration.

scI qyrI kudriq scy pwiqswh ] (463-9)
sachee tayree kudrat sachay paatisaah.
True is Your almighty creative power, True King.

nwnk scu iDAwiein scu ] (463-9)
naanak sach Dhi-aa-in sach.
O Nanak, true are those who meditate on the True One.

jo mir jMmy su kcu inkcu ]1] (463-9)
jo mar jammay so kach nikach. ||1||
Those who are subject to birth and death are totally false. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (463-10)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

vfI vifAweI jw vfw nwau ] (463-10)
vadee vadi-aa-ee jaa vadaa naa-o.
Great is His greatness, as great as His Name.

vfI vifAweI jw scu inAwau ] (463-10)
vadee vadi-aa-ee jaa sach ni-aa-o.
Great is His greatness, as True is His justice.

vfI vifAweI jw inhcl Qwau ] (463-10)
vadee vadi-aa-ee jaa nihchal thaa-o.
Great is His greatness, as permanent as His Throne.

vfI vifAweI jwxY Awlwau ] (463-11)
vadee vadi-aa-ee jaanai aalaa-o.
Great is His greatness, as He knows our utterances.

vfI vifAweI buJY siB Bwau ] (463-11)
vadee vadi-aa-ee bujhai sabh bhaa-o.
Great is His greatness, as He understands all our affections.

vfI vifAweI jw puiC n dwiq ] (463-11)
vadee vadi-aa-ee jaa puchh na daat.
Great is His greatness, as He gives without being asked.

vfI vifAweI jw Awpy Awip ] (463-12)
vadee vadi-aa-ee jaa aapay aap.
Great is His greatness, as He Himself is all-in-all.

nwnk kwr n kQnI jwie ] (463-12)
naanak kaar na kathnee jaa-ay.
O Nanak, His actions cannot be described.

kIqw krxw srb rjwie ]2] (463-12)
keetaa karnaa sarab rajaa-ay. ||2||
Whatever He has done, or will do, is all by His Own Will. ||2||

mhlw 2 ] (463-13)
mehlaa 2.
Second Mehl:

iehu jgu scY kI hY koTVI scy kw ivic vwsu ] (463-13)
ih jag sachai kee hai koth-rhee sachay kaa vich vaas.
This world is the room of the True Lord; within it is the dwelling of the True Lord.

iekn@w hukim smwie ley iekn@w hukmy kry ivxwsu ] (463-13)
iknHaa hukam samaa-ay la-ay iknHaa hukmay karay vinaas.
By His Command, some are merged into Him, and some, by His Command, are destroyed.

iekn@w BwxY kiF ley iekn@w mwieAw ivic invwsu ] (463-14)
iknHaa bhaanai kadh la-ay iknHaa maa-i-aa vich nivaas.
Some, by the Pleasure of His Will, are lifted up out of Maya, while others are made to dwell within it.

eyv iB AwiK n jwpeI ij iksY Awxy rwis ] (463-14)
ayv bhe aakh na jaap-ee je kisai aanay raas.
No one can say who will be rescued.

nwnk gurmuiK jwxIAY jw kau Awip kry prgwsu ]3] (463-15)
naanak gurmukh jaanee-ai jaa ka-o aap karay pargaas. ||3||
O Nanak, he alone is known as Gurmukh, unto whom the Lord reveals Himself. ||3||

pauVI ] (463-16)

nwnk jIA aupwie kY iliK nwvY Drmu bhwilAw ] (463-16)
naanak jee-a upaa-ay kai likh naavai Dharam bahaali-aa.
O Nanak, having created the souls, the Lord installed the Righteous Judge of Dharma to read and record their accounts.

EQY scy hI sic inbVY cuix viK kFy jjmwilAw ] (463-16)
othai sachay hee sach nibrhai chun vakh kadhay jajmaali-aa.
There, only the Truth is judged true; the sinners are picked out and separated.

Qwau n pwiein kUiVAwr muh kwl@Y dojik cwilAw ] (463-17)
thaa-o na paa-in koorhi-aar muh kaalHai dojak chaali-aa.
The false find no place there, and they go to hell with their faces blackened.

qyrY nwie rqy sy ijix gey hwir gey is Tgx vwilAw ] (463-17)
tayrai naa-ay ratay say jin ga-ay haar ga-ay se thagan vaali-aa.
Those who are imbued with Your Name win, while the cheaters lose.

iliK nwvY Drmu bhwilAw ]2] (463-18)
likh naavai Dharam bahaali-aa. ||2||
The Lord installed the Righteous Judge of Dharma to read and record the accounts. ||2||

slok mÚ 1 ] (463-18)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

ivsmwdu nwd ivsmwdu vyd ] (463-18)
vismaad naad vismaad vayd.
Wonderful is the sound current of the Naad, wonderful is the knowledge of the Vedas.

ivsmwdu jIA ivsmwdu Byd ] (463-19)
vismaad jee-a vismaad bhayd.
Wonderful are the beings, wonderful are the species.

ivsmwdu rUp ivsmwdu rMg ] (463-19)
vismaad roop vismaad rang.
Wonderful are the forms, wonderful are the colors.

ivsmwdu nwgy iPrih jMq ] (463-19)
vismaad naagay fireh jant.
Wonderful are the beings who wander around naked.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD