Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


JUTw prpMcu joir clwieAw ]2] (337-1)
jhoothaa parpanch jor chalaa-i-aa. ||2||
By Your Power, You have set this false contrivance in motion. ||2||

iknhU lwK pWc kI jorI ] (337-1)
kinhoo laakh paaNch kee joree.
Some collect hundreds of thousands of dollars,

AMq kI bwr ggrIAw PorI ]3] (337-1)
ant kee baar gagree-aa foree. ||3||
but in the end, the pitcher of the body bursts. ||3||

kih kbIr iek nIv auswrI ] (337-2)
kahi kabeer ik neev usaaree.
Says Kabeer, that single foundation which you have laid

iKn mih ibnis jwie AhMkwrI ]4]1]9]60] (337-2)
khin meh binas jaa-ay ahaNkaaree. ||4||1||9||60||
will be destroyed in an instant - you are so egotistical. ||4||1||9||60||

gauVI ] (337-3)

rwm jpau jIA AYsy AYsy ] DR¨ pRihlwd jipE hir jYsy ]1] (337-3)
raam japa-o jee-a aisay aisay. Dharoo par-hilaad japi-o har jaisay. ||1||
Just as Dhroo and Prahlaad meditated on the Lord, so should you meditate on the Lord, O my soul. ||1||

dIn dieAwl Brosy qyry ] (337-3)
deen da-i-aal bharosay tayray.
O Lord, Merciful to the meek, I have placed my faith in You;

sBu prvwru cVwieAw byVy ]1] rhwau ] (337-4)
sabh parvaar charhaa-i-aa bayrhay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
along with all my family, I have come aboard Your boat. ||1||Pause||

jw iqsu BwvY qw hukmu mnwvY ] (337-4)
jaa tis bhaavai taa hukam manaavai.
When it is pleasing to Him, then He inspires us to obey the Hukam of His Command.

ies byVy kau pwir lGwvY ]2] (337-4)
is bayrhay ka-o paar laghaavai. ||2||
He causes this boat to cross over. ||2||

gur prswid AYsI buiD smwnI ] (337-5)
gur parsaad aisee buDh samaanee.
By Guru's Grace, such understanding is infused into me;

cUik geI iPir Awvn jwnI ]3] (337-5)
chook ga-ee fir aavan jaanee. ||3||
my comings and goings in reincarnation have ended. ||3||

khu kbIr Bju swirgpwnI ] (337-5)
kaho kabeer bhaj saarigpaanee.
Says Kabeer, meditate, vibrate upon the Lord, the Sustainer of the earth.

aurvwir pwir sB eyko dwnI ]4]2]10]61] (337-6)
urvaar paar sabh ayko daanee. ||4||2||10||61||
In this world, in the world beyond and everywhere, He alone is the Giver. ||4||2||10||61||

gauVI 9 ] (337-6)
ga-orhee 9.
Gauree 9:

join Cwif jau jg mih AwieE ] (337-6)
jon chhaad ja-o jag meh aa-i-o.
He leaves the womb, and comes into the world;

lwgq pvn Ksmu ibsrwieE ]1] (337-7)
laagat pavan khasam bisraa-i-o. ||1||
as soon as the air touches him, he forgets his Lord and Master. ||1||

jIArw hir ky gunw gwau ]1] rhwau ] (337-7)
jee-araa har kay gunaa gaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O my soul, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

grB join mih aurD qpu krqw ] (337-8)
garabh jon meh uraDh tap kartaa.
You were upside-down, living in the womb; you generated the intense meditative heat of 'tapas'.

qau jTr Agin mih rhqw ]2] (337-8)
ta-o jathar agan meh rahtaa. ||2||
Then, you escaped the fire of the belly. ||2||

lK caurwsIh join BRim AwieE ] (337-8)
lakh cha-oraaseeh jon bharam aa-i-o.
After wandering through 8.4 million incarnations, you came.

Ab ky Cutky Taur n TwieE ]3] (337-9)
ab kay chhutkay tha-ur na thaa-i-o. ||3||
If you stumble and fall now, you shall find no home or place of rest. ||3||

khu kbIr Bju swirgpwnI ] (337-9)
kaho kabeer bhaj saarigpaanee.
Says Kabeer, meditate, vibrate upon the Lord, the Sustainer of the earth.

Awvq dIsY jwq n jwnI ]4]1]11]62] (337-9)
aavat deesai jaat na jaanee. ||4||1||11||62||
He is not seen to be coming or going; He is the Knower of all. ||4||1||11||62||

gauVI pUrbI ] (337-10)
ga-orhee poorbee.
Gauree Poorbee:

surg bwsu n bwCIAY frIAY n nrik invwsu ] (337-10)
surag baas na baachhee-ai daree-ai na narak nivaas.
Don't wish for a home in heaven, and don't be afraid to live in hell.

honw hY so hoeI hY mnih n kIjY Aws ]1] (337-10)
honaa hai so ho-ee hai maneh na keejai aas. ||1||
Whatever will be will be, so don't get your hopes up in your mind. ||1||

rmeIAw gun gweIAY ] (337-11)
rama-ee-aa gun gaa-ee-ai.
Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord,

jw qy pweIAY prm inDwnu ]1] rhwau ] (337-11)
jaa tay paa-ee-ai param niDhaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
from whom the most excellent treasure is obtained. ||1||Pause||

ikAw jpu ikAw qpu sMjmo ikAw brqu ikAw iesnwnu ] (337-12)
ki-aa jap ki-aa tap sanjamo ki-aa barat ki-aa isnaan.
What good is chanting, penance or self-mortification? What good is fasting or cleansing baths,

jb lgu jugiq n jwnIAY Bwau Bgiq Bgvwn ]2] (337-12)
jab lag jugat na jaanee-ai bhaa-o bhagat bhagvaan. ||2||
unless you know the way to worship the Lord God with loving devotion? ||2||

sMpY dyiK n hrKIAY ibpiq dyiK n roie ] (337-13)
sampai daykh na harkhee-ai bipat daykh na ro-ay.
Don't feel so delighted at the sight of wealth, and don't weep at the sight of suffering and adversity.

ijau sMpY iqau ibpiq hY ibD ny ricAw so hoie ]3] (337-13)
ji-o sampai ti-o bipat hai biDh nay rachi-aa so ho-ay. ||3||
As is wealth, so is adversity; whatever the Lord proposes, comes to pass. ||3||

kih kbIr Ab jwinAw sMqn irdY mJwir ] (337-14)
kahi kabeer ab jaani-aa santan ridai majhaar.
Says Kabeer, now I know that the Lord dwells within the hearts of His Saints;

syvk so syvw Bly ijh Gt bsY murwir ]4]1]12]63] (337-14)
sayvak so sayvaa bhalay jih ghat basai muraar. ||4||1||12||63||
that servant performs the best service, whose heart is filled with the Lord. ||4||1||12||63||

gauVI ] (337-15)

ry mn qyro koie nhI iKMic lyie ijin Bwru ] (337-15)
ray man tayro ko-ay nahee khinch lay-ay jin bhaar.
O my mind, even if you carry someone's burden, they don't belong to you.

ibrK bsyro pMiK ko qYso iehu sMswru ]1] (337-16)
birakh basayro pankh ko taiso ih sansaar. ||1||
This world is like the perch of the bird on the tree. ||1||

rwm rsu pIAw ry ] (337-16)
raam ras pee-aa ray.
I drink in the sublime essence of the Lord.

ijh rs ibsir gey rs Aaur ]1] rhwau ] (337-16)
jih ras bisar ga-ay ras a-or. ||1|| rahaa-o.
With the taste of this essence, I have forgotten all other tastes. ||1||Pause||

Aaur muey ikAw roeIAY jau Awpw iQru n rhwie ] (337-17)
a-or mu-ay ki-aa ro-ee-ai ja-o aapaa thir na rahaa-ay.
Why should we weep at the death of others, when we ourselves are not permanent?

jo aupjY so ibnis hY duKu kir rovY blwie ]2] (337-17)
jo upjai so binas hai dukh kar rovai balaa-ay. ||2||
Whoever is born shall pass away; why should we cry out in grief? ||2||

jh kI aupjI qh rcI pIvq mrdn lwg ] (337-18)
jah kee upjee tah rachee peevat mardan laag.
We are re-absorbed into the One from whom we came; drink in the Lord's essence, and remain attached to Him.

kih kbIr iciq cyiqAw rwm ismir bYrwg ]3]2]13]64] (337-18)
kahi kabeer chit chayti-aa raam simar bairaag. ||3||2||13||64||
Says Kabeer, my consciousness is filled with thoughts of remembrance of the Lord; I have become detached from the world. ||3||2||13||64||

rwgu gauVI ] (337-19)
raag ga-orhee.
Raag Gauree:

pMQu inhwrY kwmnI locn BrI ly auswsw ] (337-19)
panth nihaarai kaamnee lochan bharee lay usaasaa.
The bride gazes at the path, and sighs with tearful eyes.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD