Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sMinAwsI ibBUq lwie dyh svwrI ] (164-1)
sani-aasee bibhoot laa-ay dayh savaaree.
The Sannyaasee smears his body with ashes;

pr iqRA iqAwgu krI bRhmcwrI ] (164-1)
par tari-a ti-aag karee barahamchaaree.
renouncing other men's women, he practices celibacy.

mY mUrK hir Aws qumwrI ]2] (164-1)
mai moorakh har aas tumaaree. ||2||
I am just a fool, Lord; I place my hopes in You! ||2||

KqRI krm kry sUrqxu pwvY ] (164-2)
khatree karam karay soortan paavai.
The Kh'shaatriya acts bravely, and is recognized as a warrior.

sUdu vYsu pr ikriq kmwvY ] (164-2)
sood vais par kirat kamaavai.
The Shoodra and the Vaisha work and slave for others;

mY mUrK hir nwmu CfwvY ]3] (164-2)
mai moorakh har naam chhadaavai. ||3||
I am just a fool - I am saved by the Lord's Name. ||3||

sB qyrI isRsit qUM Awip rihAw smweI ] (164-3)
sabh tayree sarisat tooN aap rahi-aa samaa-ee.
The entire Universe is Yours; You Yourself permeate and pervade it.

gurmuiK nwnk dy vifAweI ] (164-3)
gurmukh naanak day vadi-aa-ee.
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are blessed with glorious greatness.

mY AMDuly hir tyk itkweI ]4]1]39] (164-3)
mai anDhulay har tayk tikaa-ee. ||4||1||39||
I am blind - I have taken the Lord as my Support. ||4||1||39||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 4 ] (164-4)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 4.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fourth Mehl:

inrgux kQw kQw hY hir kI ] (164-4)
nirgun kathaa kathaa hai har kee.
The Speech of the Lord is the most sublime speech, free of any attributes.

Bju imil swDU sMgiq jn kI ] (164-4)
bhaj mil saaDhoo sangat jan kee.
Vibrate on it, meditate on it, and join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

qru Baujlu AkQ kQw suin hir kI ]1] (164-5)
tar bha-ojal akath kathaa sun har kee. ||1||
Cross over the terrifying world-ocean, listening to the Unspoken Speech of the Lord. ||1||

goibMd sqsMgiq mylwie ] (164-5)
gobind satsangat maylaa-ay.
O Lord of the Universe, unite me with the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation.

hir rsu rsnw rwm gun gwie ]1] rhwau ] (164-6)
har ras rasnaa raam gun gaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My tongue savors the sublime essence of the Lord, singing the Lord's Glorious Praises. ||1||Pause||

jo jn iDAwvih hir hir nwmw ] (164-6)
jo jan Dhi-aavahi har har naamaa.
Those humble beings who meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har

iqn dwsin dws krhu hm rwmw ] (164-6)
tin daasan daas karahu ham raamaa.
- please make me the slave of their slaves, Lord.

jn kI syvw aUqm kwmw ]2] (164-7)
jan kee sayvaa ootam kaamaa. ||2||
Serving Your slaves is the ultimate good deed. ||2||

jo hir kI hir kQw suxwvY ] (164-7)
jo har kee har kathaa sunaavai.
One who chants the Speech of the Lord

so jnu hmrY min iciq BwvY ] (164-7)
so jan hamrai man chit bhaavai.
- that humble servant is pleasing to my conscious mind.

jn pg ryxu vfBwgI pwvY ]3] (164-8)
jan pag rayn vadbhaagee paavai. ||3||
Those who are blessed with great good fortune obtain the dust of the feet of the humble. ||3||

sMq jnw isau pRIiq bin AweI ] ijn kau ilKqu iliKAw Duir pweI ] (164-8)
sant janaa si-o pareet ban aa-ee. jin ka-o likhat likhi-aa Dhur paa-ee.
Those who are blessed with such pre-ordained destiny are in love with the humble Saints.

qy jn nwnk nwim smweI ]4]2]40] (164-9)
tay jan naanak naam samaa-ee. ||4||2||40||
Those humble beings, O Nanak, are absorbed in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||2||40||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 4 ] (164-9)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 4.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fourth Mehl:

mwqw pRIiq kry puqu Kwie ] (164-9)
maataa pareet karay put khaa-ay.
The mother loves to see her son eat.

mIny pRIiq BeI jil nwie ] (164-10)
meenay pareet bha-ee jal naa-ay.
The fish loves to bathe in the water.

siqgur pRIiq gurisK muiK pwie ]1] (164-10)
satgur pareet gursikh mukh paa-ay. ||1||
The True Guru loves to place food in the mouth of His GurSikh. ||1||

qy hir jn hir mylhu hm ipAwry ] (164-10)
tay har jan har maylhu ham pi-aaray.
If only I could meet those humble servants of the Lord, O my Beloved.

ijn imilAw duK jwih hmwry ]1] rhwau ] (164-11)
jin mili-aa dukh jaahi hamaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meeting with them, my sorrows depart. ||1||Pause||

ijau imil bCry gaU pRIiq lgwvY ] (164-11)
ji-o mil bachhray ga-oo pareet lagaavai.
As the cow shows her love to her strayed calf when she finds it,

kwmin pRIiq jw ipru Gir AwvY ] (164-12)
kaaman pareet jaa pir ghar aavai.
and as the bride shows her love for her husband when he returns home,

hir jn pRIiq jw hir jsu gwvY ]2] (164-12)
har jan pareet jaa har jas gaavai. ||2||
so does the Lord's humble servant love to sing the Praises of the Lord. ||2||

swirMg pRIiq bsY jl Dwrw ] (164-12)
saaring pareet basai jal Dhaaraa.
The rainbird loves the rainwater, falling in torrents;

nrpiq pRIiq mwieAw dyiK pswrw ] (164-13)
narpat pareet maa-i-aa daykh pasaaraa.
the king loves to see his wealth on display.

hir jn pRIiq jpY inrMkwrw ]3] (164-13)
har jan pareet japai nirankaaraa. ||3||
The humble servant of the Lord loves to meditate on the Formless Lord. ||3||

nr pRwxI pRIiq mwieAw Dnu Kwty ] (164-13)
nar paraanee pareet maa-i-aa Dhan khaatay.
The mortal man loves to accumulate wealth and property.

gurisK pRIiq guru imlY glwty ] (164-14)
gursikh pareet gur milai galaatay.
The GurSikh loves to meet and embrace the Guru.

jn nwnk pRIiq swD pg cwty ]4]3]41] (164-14)
jan naanak pareet saaDh pag chaatay. ||4||3||41||
Servant Nanak loves to kiss the feet of the Holy. ||4||3||41||

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 4 ] (164-15)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 4.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fourth Mehl:

BIKk pRIiq BIK pRB pwie ] (164-15)
bheekhak pareet bheekh parabh paa-ay.
The beggar loves to receive charity from the wealthy landlord.

BUKy pRIiq hovY AMnu Kwie ] (164-15)
bhookhay pareet hovai ann khaa-ay.
The hungry person loves to eat food.

gurisK pRIiq gur imil AwGwie ]1] (164-15)
gursikh pareet gur mil aaghaa-ay. ||1||
The GurSikh loves to find satisfaction by meeting the Guru. ||1||

hir drsnu dyhu hir Aws qumwrI ] (164-16)
har darsan dayh har aas tumaaree.
O Lord, grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; I place my hopes in You, Lord.

kir ikrpw loc pUir hmwrI ]1] rhwau ] (164-16)
kar kirpaa loch poor hamaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Shower me with Your Mercy, and fulfill my longing. ||1||Pause||

ckvI pRIiq sUrju muiK lwgY ] (164-17)
chakvee pareet sooraj mukh laagai.
The song-bird loves the sun shining in her face.

imlY ipAwry sB duK iqAwgY ] (164-17)
milai pi-aaray sabh dukh ti-aagai.
Meeting her Beloved, all her pains are left behind.

gurisK pRIiq gurU muiK lwgY ]2] (164-17)
gursikh pareet guroo mukh laagai. ||2||
The GurSikh loves to gaze upon the Face of the Guru. ||2||

bCry pRIiq KIru muiK Kwie ] (164-18)
bachhray pareet kheer mukh khaa-ay.
The calf loves to suck its mother's milk;

ihrdY ibgsY dyKY mwie ] (164-18)
hirdai bigsai daykhai maa-ay.
its heart blossoms forth upon seeing its mother.

gurisK pRIiq gurU muiK lwie ]3] (164-18)
gursikh pareet guroo mukh laa-ay. ||3||
The GurSikh loves to gaze upon the Face of the Guru. ||3||

horu sB pRIiq mwieAw mohu kwcw ] (164-19)
hor sabh pareet maa-i-aa moh kaachaa.
All other loves and emotional attachment to Maya are false.

ibnis jwie kUrw kcu pwcw ] (164-19)
binas jaa-ay kooraa kach paachaa.
They shall pass away, like false and transitory decorations.

jn nwnk pRIiq iqRpiq guru swcw ]4]4]42] (164-19)
jan naanak pareet taripat gur saachaa. ||4||4||42||
Servant Nanak is fulfilled, through the Love of the True Guru. ||4||4||42||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD