Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iehu jnmu pdwrQu pwie kY hir nwmu n cyqY ilv lwie ] (28-1)
ih janam padaarath paa-ay kai har naam na chaytai liv laa-ay.
The blessing of this human life has been obtained, but still, people do not lovingly focus their thoughts on the Name of the Lord.

pig iKisAY rhxw nhI AwgY Tauru n pwie ] (28-2)
pag khisi-ai rahnaa nahee aagai tha-ur na paa-ay.
Their feet slip, and they cannot stay here any longer. And in the next world, they find no place of rest at all.

Eh vylw hiQ n AwveI AMiq gieAw pCuqwie ] (28-2)
oh vaylaa hath na aavee ant ga-i-aa pachhutaa-ay.
This opportunity shall not come again. In the end, they depart, regretting and repenting.

ijsu ndir kry so aubrY hir syqI ilv lwie ]4] (28-3)
jis nadar karay so ubrai har saytee liv laa-ay. ||4||
Those whom the Lord blesses with His Glance of Grace are saved; they are lovingly attuned to the Lord. ||4||

dyKw dyKI sB kry mnmuiK bUJ n pwie ] (28-3)
daykhaa daykhee sabh karay manmukh boojh na paa-ay.
They all show off and pretend, but the self-willed manmukhs do not understand.

ijn gurmuiK ihrdw suDu hY syv peI iqn Qwie ] (28-3)
jin gurmukh hirdaa suDh hai sayv pa-ee tin thaa-ay.
Those Gurmukhs who are pure of heart-their service is accepted.

hir gux gwvih hir inq pVih hir gux gwie smwie ] (28-4)
har gun gaavahi har nit parheh har gun gaa-ay samaa-ay.
They sing the Glorious Praise of the Lord; they read about the Lord each day. Singing the Praise of the Lord, they merge in absorption.

nwnk iqn kI bwxI sdw scu hY ij nwim rhy ilv lwie ]5]4]37] (28-5)
naanak tin kee banee sadaa sach hai je naam rahay liv laa-ay. ||5||4||37||
O Nanak, the words of those who are lovingly attuned to the Naam are true forever. ||5||4||37||

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (28-5)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

ijnI iek min nwmu iDAwieAw gurmqI vIcwir ] (28-6)
jinee ik man naam Dhi-aa-i-aa gurmatee veechaar.
Those who meditate single-mindedly on the Naam, and contemplate the Teachings of the Guru

iqn ky muK sd aujly iqqu scY drbwir ] (28-6)
tin kay mukh sad ujlay tit sachai darbaar.
-their faces are forever radiant in the Court of the True Lord.

Eie AMimRqu pIvih sdw sdw scY nwim ipAwir ]1] (28-7)
o-ay amrit peeveh sadaa sadaa sachai naam pi-aar. ||1||
They drink in the Ambrosial Nectar forever and ever, and they love the True Name. ||1||

BweI ry gurmuiK sdw piq hoie ] (28-7)
bhaa-ee ray gurmukh sadaa pat ho-ay.
O Siblings of Destiny, the Gurmukhs are honored forever.

hir hir sdw iDAweIAY mlu haumY kFY Doie ]1] rhwau ] (28-7)
har har sadaa Dhi-aa-ee-ai mal ha-umai kadhai Dho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They meditate forever on the Lord, Har, Har, and they wash off the filth of egotism. ||1||Pause||

mnmuK nwmu n jwxnI ivxu nwvY piq jwie ] (28-8)
manmukh naam na jaannee vin naavai pat jaa-ay.
The self-willed manmukhs do not know the Naam. Without the Name, they lose their honor.

sbdY swdu n AwieE lwgy dUjY Bwie ] (28-9)
sabdai saad na aa-i-o laagay doojai bhaa-ay.
They do not savor the Taste of the Shabad; they are attached to the love of duality.

ivstw ky kIVy pvih ivic ivstw sy ivstw mwih smwie ]2] (28-9)
vistaa kay keerhay paveh vich vistaa say vistaa maahi samaa-ay. ||2||
They are worms in the filth of manure. They fall into manure, and into manure they are absorbed. ||2||

iqn kw jnmu sPlu hY jo clih sqgur Bwie ] (28-10)
tin kaa janam safal hai jo chaleh satgur bhaa-ay.
Fruitful are the lives of those who walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru.

kulu auDwrih Awpxw DMnu jxydI mwie ] (28-10)
kul uDhaareh aapnaa Dhan janaydee maa-ay.
Their families are saved; blessed are the mothers who gave birth to them.

hir hir nwmu iDAweIAY ijs nau ikrpw kry rjwie ]3] (28-11)
har har naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai jis na-o kirpaa karay rajaa-ay. ||3||
By His Will He grants His Grace; those who are so blessed, meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

ijnI gurmuiK nwmu iDAwieAw ivchu Awpu gvwie ] (28-11)
jinee gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-i-aa vichahu aap gavaa-ay.
The Gurmukhs meditate on the Naam; they eradicate selfishness and conceit from within.

Eie AMdrhu bwhrhu inrmly scy sic smwie ] (28-12)
o-ay andrahu baahrahu nirmalay sachay sach samaa-ay.
They are pure, inwardly and outwardly; they merge into the Truest of the True.

nwnk Awey sy prvwxu hih ijn gurmqI hir iDAwie ]4]5]38] (28-12)
naanak aa-ay say parvaan heh jin gurmatee har Dhi-aa-ay. ||4||5||38||
O Nanak, blessed is the coming of those who follow the Guru's Teachings and meditate on the Lord. ||4||5||38||

isrIrwgu mhlw 3 ] (28-13)
sireeraag mehlaa 3.
Siree Raag, Third Mehl:

hir Bgqw hir Dnu rwis hY gur pUiC krih vwpwru ] (28-13)
har bhagtaa har Dhan raas hai gur poochh karahi vaapaar.
The devotees of the Lord have the Wealth and Capital of the Lord; with Guru's Advice, they carry on their trade.

hir nwmu slwhin sdw sdw vKru hir nwmu ADwru ] (28-14)
har naam salaahan sadaa sadaa vakhar har naam aDhaar.
They praise the Name of the Lord forever and ever. The Name of the Lord is their Merchandise and Support.

guir pUrY hir nwmu idRVwieAw hir Bgqw Aqutu BMfwru ]1] (28-14)
gur poorai har naam drirh-aa-i-aa har bhagtaa atut bhandaar. ||1||
The Perfect Guru has implanted the Name of the Lord into the Lord's devotees; it is an Inexhaustible Treasure. ||1||

BweI ry iesu mn kau smJwie ] (28-15)
bhaa-ee ray is man ka-o samjhaa-ay.
O Siblings of Destiny, instruct your minds in this way.

ey mn Awlsu ikAw krih gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie ]1] rhwau ] (28-15)
ay man aalas ki-aa karahi gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O mind, why are you so lazy? Become Gurmukh, and meditate on the Naam. ||1||Pause||

hir Bgiq hir kw ipAwru hY jy gurmuiK kry bIcwru ] (28-16)
har bhagat har kaa pi-aar hai jay gurmukh karay beechaar.
Devotion to the Lord is love for the Lord. The Gurmukh reflects deeply and contemplates.

pwKMif Bgiq n hoveI duibDw bolu KuAwru ] (28-17)
pakhand bhagat na hova-ee dubiDhaa bol khu-aar.
Hypocrisy is not devotion-speaking words of duality leads only to misery.

so jnu rlwieAw nw rlY ijsu AMqir ibbyk bIcwru ]2] (28-17)
so jan ralaa-i-aa naa ralai jis antar bibayk beechaar. ||2||
Those humble beings who are filled with keen understanding and meditative contemplation-even though they intermingle with others, they remain distinct. ||2||

so syvku hir AwKIAY jo hir rwKY auir Dwir ] (28-18)
so sayvak har aakhee-ai jo har raakhai ur Dhaar.
Those who keep the Lord enshrined within their hearts are said to be the servants of the Lord.

mnu qnu saupy AwgY Dry haumY ivchu mwir ] (28-18)
man tan sa-upay aagai Dharay ha-umai vichahu maar.
Placing mind and body in offering before the Lord, they conquer and eradicate egotism from within.

Dnu gurmuiK so prvwxu hY ij kdy n AwvY hwir ]3] (28-19)
Dhan gurmukh so parvaan hai je kaday na aavai haar. ||3||
Blessed and acclaimed is that Gurmukh, who shall never be defeated. ||3||

krim imlY qw pweIAY ivxu krmY pwieAw n jwie ] (28-19)
karam milai taa paa-ee-ai vin karmai paa-i-aa na jaa-ay.
Those who receive His Grace find Him. Without His Grace, He cannot be found.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD